Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-05-14 11:59 PM Even the cat gets better drugs BH: editing Ch 2
We got up way too early, after a night of difficult sleep, and took Grimoire to the vet. Grabbed CJ’s for breakfast, came home, ate, and went back to bed for two hours. I didn’t feel like I slept any better—too many thoughts rolling around in my head—but I felt more rested and less tired, so it was useful. But why, I ask you, when I focussed my brain to think about a novel, did it come up with ideas for one that isn’t even in progress yet? It’ll be romance #4, after I finish BH, ALNM, and AETW. Grr, argh! Although, I think in some ways that spurs me to write on the unfinished ones: the promise of a shiny new book to start. I didn’t used to be this way, but there you go. I actually got about 15 minutes’ worth of work done on the BH editing today before I got interrupted. Yay me. Working through Chapter 2, adding description and a missing scene, deleting a bunch of dialogue leading to something that now doesn’t happen. I’d like to get 2 and 3 done, and out to critiquers, this week—we’re leaving tomorrow afternoon to head north, so we’ll just have to see. And more e-mail, and work on various SCA projects, and Ken and I went to TJ’s and Albertson’s, and picked up a groggy Grimoire, who’s got the dilated pupils and wobbly walk of a druggie. He’ll be fine. They had to inject him with the tranqs (to calm him down enough to put him under, so he didn’t stop breathing this time) twice, but then apparently he was a very good kitty. Well, wouldn’t you be, after double the tranqs? Everybody, including the cats, gets better drugs than I ever do! And they gave us Eclipse’s ashes, so I guess we’ll pick a day next week to go for a bike ride. We went to Textile Guild tonight, where there was a fabulous spinning display/talk. I’m not interested in spinning at all right now—weaving seems to be my new thing—but I imagine I’ll eventually want to back up and learn it, too. So tonight, I listened, and embroidered. One and a half spirals to go! Now we’re home, and tired, and off to bed. G’night, pets. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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