Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Trying not to be too down Read/Post Comments (3) |
2003-07-24 10:56 PM Oof Have I really not updated since Monday? WTF?!
Tuesday…I don’t remember Tuesday. Maybe that’s a good thing. I know we stayed up far too late. Wednesday early morning we got a call from our friend Genna, who was on her way to Australia via LAX. (Astute readers will recall that Genna and daughter Brhiannon visited in January before Brhi headed off to Australia to start the school year. Dad Wulfram will join them in the autumn.) Her flight had been delayed, etc., which we already knew from talking to both her and Wulfram the night before. So we headed out to LAX and had lunch with her. It was great to catch up and see her on her way. Then we went gods-know-where (Ken was navigating) to pick up his new iPod, which he bought off eBay with the caveat that he could pick it up. (He is, wisely, wary of sending off several hundred dollars to a stranger.) We got home in late afternoon and I was wiped. But my new Sage job had arrived, so I did all the prep work on it and started it. But we were hungry, and desperate, and ordered pizza. By the time we finished eating, I tried to do some more work, but I honestly couldn’t keep my eyes open. It was 7:30 p.m., folks. I was that tired. I tried to watch The X-Files movie, but couldn’t. Both the tiredness, and the format. The F/X channel has this “DVD movie” thing, where they show you extra bits from the DVD version of the movie before/after commercials. The problem is, the announcers are too annoying for words. Their banter is beyond inane. Just not worth making the movie run longer, either. So at 8:30, I went to bed, intending to read for half an hour or so and then sleep. I set the alarm for 6 a.m. so I could catch up on the Sage journal and all the e-mail I hadn’t had a chance to answer. And then I couldn’t sleep. Between noise and light (Ken hadn’t come to bed yet, but said “in a few minutes”, which stretched to more than an hour), my brain, and my hip hurting. Then later, heartburn from the pizza struck (despite the fact that I take prescrip meds for acid reflux). It was too hot. I was thirsty. At one point, I got up and read for an hour. My eyes were burning-tired. Sleep was a long time in coming, and let’s not even talk about the bizarre (but often fascinating) dreams. So I didn’t get up until 10. Which was not enough time to spend several hours working on the Sage job, and catch up on e-mail, and shower, &tc. In 45 minutes we’re off to the Getty with a friend to ooh and ahh over manuscripts and then attend a talk on Flemish/Renaissance manuscripts. We won’t be home until very late. <><><> Meanwhile, I’m having a bad attitude about writing in general. If people close to me can’t be bothered to read my stuff, it’s hard for me to believe complete strangers are going to be interested in it. I sent BH to five people at the beginning of June. Only two have responded, with contradictory comments. One person has bowed out, one person let it “slip between the cracks” (Ouch. That one hurt.), and one person isn’t responding to my e-mails at all. Am I losing touch with reality here? (Sarah, I heard that comment…) I know that I haven’t worked full-time in a long while, so perhaps I really don’t remember what it’s like. But when I agree to do something, I do my damndest to follow through. All I’ve asked for here is an overall crit—I don’t want or expect line edits. Is it truly unreasonable to expect that in less than two months? Especially from people who read fiction regularly? Or do I have unrealistic expectations of other people because I have such high expectations of myself? <><><> Home again. Dealt with any crucial GWW e-mail, made pasta because we had a small, overpriced (albeit tasty) supper. The exhibit was spectacular, the talk very interesting, but I’m still tired and figure my best bet it to try and get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight and hopefully sleep better and get a decent start tomorrow. The day will be reasonably clear for copy editing and other catching up, and hopefully writing and exercise. We’ll be off to Company of Clothiers in the evening. We desperately need to food shop, so that will probably happen as well. Saturday, the day is free and clear. Work will happen! Sunday some folks are coming over for sewing and/or research. How do I explain this in a nutshell? We had a weapons form in Caid called Lights or Shinai. It’s basically been decided that the Kingdom will no longer support it. But, the fighters have presented a good case for it, and it’s going to be re-born as a new form. So some of the local fighters of what used to be called Lights are going to Lasairfhiona and Wulfric’s on Sunday to work on new weapons. I suggested to one of the women in the group that the ladies come here for some sewing help. (Garb is one of the issues involved in this whole thing.) It’s a proactive way we can help. So. <><><> Oh, and I remembered that we ran errands on Tuesday. B&N, craft store, Mainly Seconds for terracotta pots, Staples. Off to collapse now… Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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