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Mood: Accomplishing Read/Post Comments (0) |
2003-08-06 11:59 PM Wrapped in purple foil Crap, how did it get to be Wednesday already? I’m so not prepared for this!
They’ve invented dark chocolate Hershey’s Kisses. Wrapped in purple foil. I am in so much trouble. Had a hair appt today, and did a bunch of copy editing. That’s on track, at least. Still, I’m feeling a bit anxious, to the point that I considered bailing on going to the Getty tomorrow. The problem is, I definitely want to go to the lecture, but I’m not sure I want to spend almost the entire day (we’re leaving at noon) there. But I’m carpooling with someone, and I don’t want to drive by myself later in the day, because all I’ll do is hit rush-hour traffic and sit there. It doesn’t help that earlier this evening, I was just plain exhausted. I don’t know why. I exercised, and isn’t that supposed to give you more energy? Bah. I wondered for awhile if I was actually getting sick. I’m feeling better now, but a little overwhelmed by all the bits and pieces of projects scattered around me. So, I’m going to just tackle one at a time, and see how far I get. :-) Okay, things are better now. The Amenities Booklet for GWW is finished save for one small piece of info. I’m still waiting on more stuff for the Combat Booklet, but I gave myself lots of leeway with each booklet, so no stress there. Got a few things set to mail, answered some e-mail, crossed things off lists. It’s nearly 1 a.m., and I’ll be off to bed soon, because I have to take my bro-in-law Dennis to the airport tomorrow. He’s leaving his truck here while he’s gone (there isn’t really space at Mom’s). He’s off to Tennessee to visit a friend. He’s been so utterly fantastic about taking care of the cats (and bringing them prezzies) and helping out with random stuff that this is the least I can do. Ken’s doing well in Korea. The situation is a little weird, but it doesn’t bother him. The guy who arranged it all (an independent contractor himself, pretty much) is talking about having a lot more work for Ken, which is spiffy in terms of work/money, but less spiffy in terms of away time. Goodness knows we’ve weathered this storm before, in spades (to mix metaphors). We can do it again. I also forgot to mention that Sunny brought the extended Kill Dr Lucky (aka Kill Dr Lucky: Craigdarroch), and because it’s out of print, I know have a photocopy of it! Much fun! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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