Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: focused on War Read/Post Comments (1) |
2003-10-06 11:59 PM It's begun... We spent most of today on site, with the intent of helping with War setup. My main goal was to help stuff Gate packets; it’s part of my job as Publicity Steward, and I can’t schlep heavy stuff because of my back anyway. But, due to glitches in communication, the Gate packets were not ready to be stuffed. The registration forms weren’t going to arrive until late this evening. And the site tokens…last year and this year, these were donated by a merchant, who also donates them to Potrero War. Well, it turns out that not only are they not all done, but the merchant wasn’t planning to arrive until Friday. The site opens tomorrow morning, pets. Ack. So we sent someone to pick up the tokens, and came up with a revised plan, and all is well. I didn’t really contribute a whole lot to the day, but Ken played with power tools and made steps for the Court stage, and was amused.
Since coming home, we’ve snarfed supper and been dealing with lots of paperwork. Finishing up e-mails, printing forms, etc. Not the usual night-before-War effort for most people. Ah well, it’s all in good fun. We’re semi-staged for packing the RV tomorrow morning. We have an extensive packing list, so it’ll all go smoothly. We hoped to have more done tonight, but oh well. I’ve copied files over to the laptop. My goal is to draft the anthology story and maybe one other story for another antho. I’m taking two other story files as well, but I doubt I’ll have that much downtime. I also hope to answer all my Draft e-mails, and write up the entire procedure for how to do Publicity. The latter is partly drafted, so it won’t be too much work. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned, but I’ve decided that even though I’m not exactly interested in it, I need to learn how to spin. It affects weaving and embroidery, both things I’m very interested in. I thought maybe in a few years I’d back into a desire to spin. What I’ve realised is that I need to learn the basics now, because it’ll help me understand my other hobbies better. So one of my shopping goals at the War is to pick up a drop spindle. I also plan to take a lucet class (if they’re teaching advanced techniques, which is what I need help with), and may look for a ME dance belt. Maybe some Caidan trim, if I can figure out what to put it on. Other than that, who knows. A couple of other classes look interesting. I have 6 hours of Gate duty Tuesday – Saturday, and a pig roast and a handfasting to attend. Sitting in the brief meeting tonight, it hit me that the War is finally here. Almost a year of planning and work, finally coming to a head. Pretty amazing to have been—and still be—a part of it all. This will be my last post for nearly a week, pets. We’ll be back home on Sunday night because we have to return the RV Monday morning; I may or may not post, depending on my energy. I’ll be keeping a journal on site, so eventually a bunch of back entries will appear. Until then, play safe, have fun, and never lose sight of your bliss. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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