Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-02-11 11:59 PM Clear sight When I got home yesterday evening, I discovered that one of the cats had yarked in the hallway. Then, at about 4 a.m., Grimoire yarked, and repeated the experience at about 11 this morning. So, off to the vet went we. The diagnosis: an upset tummy. $100+ for that. Well, they also gave him two shots to relieve nausea and gave me two cans of bland food to tempt him with. He’s not dehydrated and nothing else seems wrong. Which is a relief. But still. After Charlie gets her teeth cleaned, I’m hoping to cut down our three-times-a-week habit at the vet’s. :-)
In other, much happier news, I have a new car windshield! Oh my f-ing god! I can _see_! I mean, it’s as if I’m not looking through anything at all. Annnnnd, Dennis picked up and installed the screen door, so I can leave the sliding glass porch door open now that the weather’s getting a bit warmer. All very good stuff. <><><> No writing today. I don’t know why, but I was uninspired to do much of anything today. I suppose we all have days like this. :-) I did a variety of little things, and hung out with Cat in the evening. We were talking about the Darachshire weekend event we ran, and the other weekend events, and what we remembered. That segued into my handfasting (at one of those events), which she didn’t remember, so I hauled out the only photo album I could put my hands one. Turned out the pictures from the handfasting weren’t in there, but we had a blast reminiscing about other things. She also helped me haul around boxes in the garage so I can get to the book boxes. We brought three of those inside, and I’ll put start filling up the library shelves. On the writing front, I did put together a proposal for WBG to Berkley Sensation, because they’re open to paranormals. I sent a proposal to Berkley 2 years ago, but never got a response, so it was high time I sent a new one. (In fact, Dean recommended a few months ago that I re-send proposals, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.) I also looked at various short stories that are written or partly written. I was dismayed to realise that all of my edits on “Sacrifice to Silence” were lost in the hard drive crashes. The story was pretty much ready to go. Argh. Oh well, at least I didn’t lose an entire story. Bed now. It’s late. My plan is to rise early, work at B&N for a few hours, then run some errands. But I’ve been so tired lately, that I might be better off sleeping in a bit, and staying home and focusing on work here. I can run errands on Friday… Yeah, that sounds like a better plan. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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