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2004-02-12 11:59 PM Rearranging I slept late today. Really late. Late enough that I’m not going to admit just how late. But I feel much better for it. Ironically, the alarm went off at 8 as I’d originally planned, because I’d forgotten to turn it off. I’d also forgotten to bring it to the bedroom with me—I’d left it on the kitchen counter when I was feeding the cats last night. (I use my Palm as an alarm clock.) So I had to stagger out of bed and through the house to deal with it. I briefly considered staying up, but quickly abandoned that thought, and proceeded to sleep very, very late.
I’ve spent a good portion of the afternoon with books, as in, shelving them. Cat pulled her furniture in towards the centre of the room so I could get to the shelves, although there were several times I almost tripped over the cable and phone cords. (I learned to go in through the other door. See, I can be taught.) Alas, I feel like I opened more boxes than I actually put away—we have far more history, travel, and general fiction books than I realised. (Remember that some of these boxes were packed in 1998 when we lived in Oxnard and haven’t been opened since, because we haven’t had a place to put the books.) I did pull out a few to take to the used bookstore, and I actually threw one away (a 1976 guide to the world. I know it was useless, and the used store wouldn’t take it, but it still wrenched me to toss it.). I stopped working when my back started hurting and I got to a tall stack of large boxes; I’ll need Cat’s assistance in moving those. There is a scary pile of boxes and books in the living room that I need to organise better (books that don’t go in the library, so they have to be re-boxed for now). I swung into the study at one point to put away a couple of books, and it was perfect timing, because I heard the bloop noise that indicated Ken was IMing me. He says we need more bookshelves. I don’t know where we’re going to put them! The history books will go out in the lanai room/solar once that’s cleared out (although I still have reservations about the potential for moisture problems). I think we’re going to have to design a rather interesting stereo centre, with a lot of bookshelves as well as enclosed spaces for videotapes (and where the hell did _they_ all come from?!) and DVDs. We need a bigger house. Damn. <><><> Well, hell. One of the main reasons I didn’t go to Estrella (after the fact that it wouldn’t be much fun w/o Ken I just found out Christine isn’t going to the meeting. I’ve also double-checked and found out the topic is Victorian Customs and Manners, which I’m not really interested in. Meanwhile, the OC topic is an all-day workshop based on a writing book, and so I’m not sure if I want to go. I’m waffling madly. Damn. <><><> Grimoire is spending the night at the vet’s. He yarked three more times today. The vet just called (Grim’s been there about 3 hours). He was mildly dehydrated, but the X-rays and bloodwork look fine. He’s on fluids and anti-nausea meds and antacids, and they’ll see if he’ll eat solid food in the morning. I won’t even talk about how much this is costing. It’s worth it to ensure he’s well. <><><> Today has been almost a total bust. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, other than PME. With PME, I have little creative energy, but lots of nesting energy. It’s time to organise things. If I’d been able to get to more book boxes w/o hurting myself, I would have. As it is, I did a bunch of rearranging in the study (although some of it will have to be arranged back because I moved all of Ken’s stuff to a corner and all of my writing stuff to his side of the desk, which used to be my writing area). Other than that, I seem unable to accomplish anything. Bleah. I finally went through all of the Chronicler files and turned three boxes into two, which was nice. Next step is the Avant Courier files, which will be a bit scary. <><><> I’ve decided not to go to the OC RWA meeting, mainly because I got no writing or copy editing done today. Tomorrow night Amy’s coming over and she, Cat, and I are having a mini-girls’ night: we’re going to watch “Chicago” and eat Baja Fresh. Saturday night, Cat and I are celebrating Valentine’s together: I’ve been charged with renting romantic movies (I’m aiming for “Intolerable Cruelty” and “Alex & Emma”, although I may force her to watch “Gun Shy”, too. Right. Enough of this. Off to bed. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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