Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-08-18 10:23 PM At least one of us needs tranqs... In fact, yesterday was pretty much a bust for both Ken and I. We weren’t sick, exactly, but neither of us felt we were moving at full speed. We were tired, listless… I got a few things done, and we did pack all the CDs and the rest of the videos and the DVDs. I fell over on the sofa at one point and tried to read a Realms of Fantasy, but I could barely focus on it. Yech. But perhaps our bodies were trying to tell us something; I imagine that I was decompressing after the workshop. Also, my neck and shoulder hurt something fierce, despite a massage and chiro adjustment.
<><><> I did get to B&N this morning, although later than I would have liked. I found the only empty table and was joined by a nice, quiet young Asian (probably Vietnamese) man who was studying something. It turned out to be nice to have a table companion, because he kept an eye on my laptop when I went to the bathroom. I finished the story I was working on, although it feels a bit sparse; I’ve sent it to Phaedra for a read-through, and there’s still a piece of information I have to track down. I also skimmed a Brava book (because I entered a novella contest with that publisher recently—750 words, but they’ll want the full text from the winners) and stared at a RPG sourcebook trying to come up with a novel idea. I failed on that last count, but admittedly I was awfully tired and coming down with a headache. This afternoon I’ve been working on my final GP, answering e-mail, getting ducks in rows (why don’t they ever STAY PUT?!), that sort of thing. Packed some more books. Talked to Maren and sorted some Harvest Tournament things. I’m definitely stressed, even though I oughtn’t be, and it’s pissing me off. I’m all snappish. Grrr. I was quite angry that we were out of ketchup and I couldn’t have any on my cheeseburger. I tell you, I’m just all out of sorts. But this too shall pass. Most of the time, I’m in a really good mood. I’m happy we’re moving quickly, and excited to be in the new house. My writing is going slower than I would have hoped, but it’s definitely going. We were going to go into Burbank tonight because the SCE editor is doing a signing. He was supposed to help teach the WfH Workshop, and we’ve been invited to submit to him. I thought it would be nice to have some face time with him. But, I’ve decided that my time would be better served rewriting the first proposal I want to send to him, and getting more packing done. <><><> Packed more boxes this evening, and ate pizza and watched two eps of “CSI: Miami”. Which continues to have huge logic gaps. Sheez. I can pretty much overlook a few scientific shortcuts (given that most folks watching wouldn’t notice), but not outright obvious mistakes. I hope “CSI: NY” is better. I’m going to go to bed early again in the hopes that I can get up and get to B&N to work. It seems to help to get out of the house—there’s too much distraction with packing and whatnot right now. A couple hours at B&N, and then I can focus on everything else. Here’s hoping I don’t spend half the night wishing I had kitty tranqs to give Charlie… (I’m much less grumpy than I was earlier. Really. I just want to be able to sleep through the night. And have Charlie sleep through the night!) Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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