Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-08-19 11:59 PM ...and a hat Drat, our Internet connection is down. This is making it very difficult for me to do many of the various things I need to do. Plus I can’t finish the GP because when I opened the meeting minutes to add them in, I discovered it wasn’t a complete file. Then, when I called the Seneschal to leave a message, I learned that their e-mail crashed a week or so ago and they haven’t received any messages since then. I sent a variety of messages to him and or cc: him on them—now I have to figure out which ones and re-send them…once our e-mail is up again.
I had a productive couple of hours and B&N and indeed would have stayed and worked longer if I hadn’t had to go to my eye appt. I finished an SCE proposal, except for a couple of things I need to look up, and worked on a novel proposal. I stopped at the used bookstore (which I shall sorely miss) and picked up a ST book, a BattleTech book, and—my big exciting find—a paperback Star Trek Encyclopedia for $10. The new hardcover is $50. It’s a few years old, but I can fill in later information from online sources. <><><> The house always looks strange when one is packing. For instance, unusual things sit out, waiting for an appropriate box. Like the Ouija board. Then there’s the box labelled “Da Vinci flyer…and a hat”. <><><> The cable modem started working again at about 9 p.m., sending Ken and I scurrying to our respective computers. Frantic typing ensued. Finally, I can cross some of the items off today’s To Do list! <><><> I packed all the history and travel and craft books today, and my altar stuff, a little more of the study, and a few other random bits. Ken packed media equipment, and did something in the woodshop, but I’m not entirely sure what. I think we got so much done because we had no Internet. Sad but true. We also discussed the various plans for moving stuff. At least one big load will happen this weekend. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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