Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2005-04-28 10:22 PM When Zen calls... Words Written: AETW ~600
I'm such a bonehead. My boss usually arrives between 10 and, oh, 10:30 or so. Today, we have an 11 a.m. conference call (a weekly thing). By 10:30, I'm wondering what's up. The other boss isn't at his desk. Finally other boss gets back, and we start comparing notes, and I realize I have a phone message... I get almost no phone calls here, so it never even occurred to me to check. Sheez. Upshoot is that boss is sick, may be in after dr's appt this afternoon. At least we know! But still. I'm embarrassed. :-) <><><> Mrf. Hit a spot in AETW where I have to decide how specific I want/need to be. In other words, how much of the seven-year span of time should be written out, how much should be summarized, and how much should be filled in, in Part II? I’m tempted to avoid it by starting my Brava novel. I created the file for it, then realized I needed to get a stronger visual of the first scene (what’s that grabber first line?). I’m thinking I can write on one novel on the way to work, and on the other on the way home, so that when AETW is in the mail (since it’s mostly edits anyway, once I finish writing this new part), I’ve already got a headstart on the Brava (current title: A Design for Love). We shall see… I’ve forgotten to mention that last week I got Teresa’s and my collab novel proposal out to the editor, after Teresa and I worked hard at whipping the three chapters into shape. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Quite honestly, I’ll be happy either way. A “no thanks” would be disappointing, but with a little tweaking, I think the book would work well at any of a few other publishers, all of which pay better. Right now, I’m mostly just pleased to have another proposal in the mail. Now I have to focus on getting full books in the mail… <><><> Went to Lick-n-Stick tonight, joined by Ken and Ed & Marian along with the usual small group. So we sat around talking once again and never got around to Healing Circle. We were just having too much fun! ---- Currently Reading: Buried Deep, Kristine Kathryn Rusch Lately Listened To: Tommy Shaw, 7 Deadly Zens Recently Watched: the ocean Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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