Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Tired but pleased Read/Post Comments (5) |
2005-06-07 10:37 PM Ye gods and little fishes Words Written: CSF 781
It’s really June, isn’t it? I don’t think that truly struck me until now. The year’s almost half over. I’m not panicking…I’m not panicking… <><><> I was going to discuss not panicking, and organizing my life so I have a way to write all of the projects I want to and how to schedule them appropriately, and still give myself down time (I’m bad about that, and then I crash), but I won’t. Instead I’m going to sit here and quietly ponder where I picked up the phrase “ye gods and little fishes”. I know it was in my youth, so it was probably in something I read—but given how I read voraciously and unreservedly, that could mean anything. (Hm, a brief web search tells me it’s in Alcott’s Little Men, but I have only a vague recollection of trying to read it. Little Women hadn’t done much for me so I think I read the sequel out of desperation for something to read, rather than any actual interest.) Right. Back to work. Really. <><><> I just got an e-mail rejection that didn’t have a subject line nor mention what story it was. Thankfully they stuck the magazine name at the very bottom. I confess I almost deleted the e-mail because it didn’t have a subject line and the person’s name was unfamiliar to the point of suspicion. It really did look like spam. I got a funny rejection the other day, too: “Our audience is too diverse for a predominately female point of view.” Erm. You have a 3K word max. How many povs do ya’ll want in a story that short? [shake head] Must be my week for strange ones. <><><> I slept poorly last night; the second time I woke up, sometime between 3 and 3:30, it was because I was having some of the worst cramps of my life. (And that’s saying something. I can tell you when and where the other two times were.) The pain actually woke me up. When I finally diagnosed what it was (groggily and slowly), I staggered to the bathroom and got some Advil (because Midol has caffeine in it…) and then lay back down and tried to raise some healing energy. Eventually the pain faded and I was able to sleep again, but for a while I wondered if I should just get up. The upshoot is that for the first half of today, I was blurry and headachey. I’m feeling better now, though, which bodes well for the rest of the evening. But I’d still best get to bed at a reasonable hour and try again for 8 solid hours of sleep. (Later note: I'd just like to point out that my period hasn't really started, either, just to add a further level of annoyance to the situation.) (Belated apologies to anyone reading this who's squeamish about bodily functions.) <><><> Finally, writing again! And it’s flowing well. My subconscious mulled for a couple of days on how to sort this chapter, and then Revealed All. I made some notes on the Palm on the way to work, retrieved Afalwen and wrote on the way home, and then wrote more just now. I’d keep going except I promised myself that 8 hours of sleep. Which is going to be closer to 7.5, by I suspect it will still be very, very good. G’night! ----
Currently Reading: Always a Bridegroom, Tesni Morgan; latest Realms of Fantasy Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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