Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2005-07-05 10:51 PM Occupied Words written:
Monday: CSF 402
Tuesday: CSF 945
Sorry I didn’t update yesterday, pets. I was, er, ahem, otherwise occupied. [smug grin] We really did have a lovely day, in some ways rather productive. We slept in, Ken longer than I. I hung out with Cat before she had to leave for her sister’s, and then I pottered about on the computer until I was starving, at which point I roused Ken and we went out. We debated about what places might be busy, and decided on a Carrow’s, which we discovered was not only busy and understaffed, but had declined in recent years. Our waitress was very pleasant (although she did beg us to kidnap her, hmm…) and the food was adequate. Mildly amusing story: We walked in and up to the hostess podium, and when someone finally appeared, started to give her our name. Whereupon someone in one of the parties that was waiting complained that they had been there before us. That’s nice, bonehead, but the hostess is not a mind-reader. Have you never eaten at a sit-down restaurant before? Back home, more catch-up/general work, interspersed with a little TV and other pleasantries. Ken has been trying to back up his entire laptop before it completely dies (thank goodness for his iPod) and had to periodically check on its progress, fiddle, etc. Eventually we went back out and picked up a few groceries, plus we rented DVDs: Miss Congeniality 2 (possibly the first Sandra movie I failed to see in the theatre since I became a fan) and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. By that time I had an annoying headache, but I took drugs and soldiered on. Ken ordered pizza whilst I made salads and then commenced baking. I want to bake about once a year, usually at Yuletide, but I haven’t in several years. I’ve been craving the traditional family brownies, and we’d planned on going to a 4th of July party (we figured we’d go in the evening with desserts and hang out for the fireworks). By this time we’d decided not to go, but I still wanted to bake. So I made brownies and blond bomber bars (new recipe). The brownies don’t taste right, and I can’t figure out why. The blond bomber bars are almost the same, but not as good, as chocolate-chip cookie bars. Good to know. I brought a fair amount of both to work today. (Many co-workers are declining, claiming too much party food yesterday. I’ll wear them down…) Anyway, we ate salad and pizza and watched MC2, which was amusing but suffered from the need to re-boot certain areas. My headache grew steadily worse throughout, and by the end I took a handful of Advil and seriously considered going to bed. But first I wanted to review the last part I’d written on CSF so I’d be ready for today, and as I’d hoped, I got sucked in a little, and ended up writing. My headache did subside somewhat, which was nice, because it meant I might sleep a little easier. So that turned out well on several fronts! Headache came back in full force, but I’ve beaten it back again with drugs, and gotten some more writing done after dinner. I hate having to get up early; I really do hit my writing stride at night… ----
Currently Reading: Always a Bridegroom, Tesni Morgan; Time Management from the Inside Out, Julie Morgenstern; From a Whisper to a Scream, Charles de Lint Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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