Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2005-11-02 8:42 PM This is my brain on not enough sleep Words written: “On Tour”: 1399 (yesterday)
I finished the anthology story late last night (the editor kindly gave me a day’s reprieve), spell-checked it, and sent it at 11:59 p.m. Unsurprisingly, I am one hurtin’ puppy today. I am toast. Burnt toast. Crumbs flaking off everywhere. Okay, maybe not that last part. But the proofs arrived for our novel! My first-ever novel proofs! How cool is that? I got through the first two chapters on the carpool this morning. I see that we have to ask the editor about house style for some things… But proofs! Novel proofs! Very cool. <>-<>-<> In other news, I’ve discovered that BBC America will be running Bad Girls, the truly and utterly wretched series about a women’s prison. Truly and utterly wretched, and yet I watched it obsessively to see an actress named Simone Lahbib. Mmmmmm. And as if the writers were reading my mind, they made her character (the prison psychiatrist or some such) fall in love with a very cute prisoner. Who managed to break out one night so they could have their night of passion together. Ken had to gently remove the needlework from my hands so I didn’t accidentally stab myself. I figure, we’ll record the show, fast-forward to scenes with Simone, and carry on from there. If you like brunette women with Scottish accents and nibble-able lower lips, check it out. <>-<>-<> Oh. Oh my. It’s almost enough to make me want to move back: Britain’s Underground City. <>-<>-<> Egads! On our walk today, Elise and I were accosted by…drive-by Mormons. On bicycles, so maybe they were ride-by Mormons. Now on bicycles, for speedier proselytizing. Oh my. <>-<>-<> Okay, I try to avoid talking about religion here, but right now I just have to say it: I Love Apple. Afalwen needed to go in for repairs. Apple sent me a prepaid DHL box with proper padding, etc. Yesterday, I handed the box to our warehouse guy and called DHL to pick it up. This morning, I got an e-mail letting me know the package had arrived. It’s not quite 5 p.m., and I just got an e-mail letting me know the repair is complete and Afalwen is on its way back and to expect it to take two business days. Major warm fuzzies to Apple. They rock. <>-<>-<> A new Highlander trilogy?! ---
Currently Reading: Northern Lights, Nora Roberts; the most recent Realms of Fantasy Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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