Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2006-03-23 11:59 PM Och aye, a loo! Words Written: Angelika 2011
Exercise: not yet
No writing yesterday. Bad, bad writer. Ken left (I keep wanting to say “Ken finally left,” but that seems to imply that I wanted him gone, which is not the case!) in the afternoon and I felt a bit adrift, I think. Morgana invited me over for supper so that they could watch the final season ep of Battlestar Galactica—they hadn’t realized it was an hour and a half long, and thus hadn’t set their VCR accordingly. You may recall that we bought the damn thing off iTunes moments after discovering that the DVR had stopped the ep 2 minutes from the end. After a lovely supper of salad and lasagne, we discovered that Brian didn’t have the cords to hook my iBook to their TV, that you can’t burn a TV ep from iTunes to disk (which, in hindsight, doesn’t surprise me, given copyright issues), and that neither of us could quite figure out how to get my iBook to talk to their Windows wireless system. (I suspect Afalwen might have been just a little snooty about the whole process, and simply refused.) So we ended up watching the thing on the laptop, with speakers that didn’t go quite loud enough, so we had to be very, very quiet. The episode absolutely blew me away on the second viewing, which says a lot. Damn (she says again in awe). Then I came home and became a complete lump, I’m sad to say. Well, not completely. I watched an ep of CSI: NY and labelled and stamped all the birthday party invitations. It just wasn’t the work I was supposed to be doing. Today I went to Kinko’s/Fed Ex to pick something up for Cat that needed to be delivered to the county courthouse today. Of course, I realized that she had to sign it, but I managed to get an extension for her. It was rather amusing, all things told—especially because I realized the clerk at the courthouse had made the extension for 2008… I picked up a few more groceries and spent the afternoon doing ABC-CLIO work, as well as being lumpish again and watching an episode of Monarch of the Glen, which is my latest Netflix disc. I saw a few eps of the series when we were in Wales, but thanks to the vagaries of the BBC didn’t catch most of it, and I wanted to see it. It’s something Ken would be only marginally interested in (he’ll happily watch just about anything, and sneers at clichéd men who won’t watch “chick flicks” or whatever), so I figured it would be a good thing to amuse myself with while he’s away. There’s only one movie on our 60+ list that he’s seen that I haven’t, so I figured a series would be better. At any rate, it made me homesick for Britain—at least until I saw someone eating Pot Noodles. Ew. :-) Went to Lick-n-Stick tonight, but bowed out of healing circle because I still had writing to do, which I did. And I’d say more, but it’s late, and UPS could be coming to pick up a crate that Ken needs shipped anywhere between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and it would be just my luck that they’d arrive at 9 a.m. while I was still in bed. Dratted morning people, mucking up my natural rhythms! ---
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