Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2006-05-01 11:03 PM Tra la! It's May! Blessed Beltane! Thank the gods April is over!
Oh, a few amazing and wondrous things happened there at the end (I haven’t even told ya’ll about all of them), and my party was fabulous, but overall, what an abysmal month this was. Saturday afternoon Morgana came over for some girl-time and loungeful video-watching. The plan was Hunting Venus, but our 6-year-old Tesco’s special DVD player decided it was a “bad disk.” (As opposed to what seems to be a bad disc in my back, I suppose…) Seems to work fine in Afalwen, but the cable to hook the laptop to the TV is with Ken in Portland. Dangnabit. So we watched Streets of Fire, which she’d never seen before, and the Evanescence videos, and snippets of VH-1 Classics and a documentary on the Parthenon and things like that. We ordered dinner (tri-tip—I was soooo craving cow!) from a BBQ place that delivers (the only other type place that delivers ‘round here, as near as we know, is pizza, and we’d both ordered that Friday night!), and had enough left over for Brian when he got back from Altavia Anniversary. The three of us watched part of the first disc of Live Aid before they headed back home. Sunday I hit the slightly depressed, stir-crazy, incredibly bored phase of this enforced house/bed-rest. These are my options: (1) watch TV/videos/DVDs; (2) read; (3) catch up on work on one of several computers, with a stern eye towards not overdoing it and f-cking up my back again, which means I have to keep interrupting my attention span. On the positive side, I’m caught up on ABC-CLIO work and home stuff. On the negative side, it’s hard to concentrate on anything writing-related. And I miss the outside. And I miss people. If you’re local, I’d love company! If you’re not, I’d love a phone call! (E-mail isn’t good right now because of my limited computer time—work-related stuff (writing and editing) gets first priority.) In other news, Ken’s going to Korea before he comes home, so I expect to see him again on the 11th or 12th (he’ll ride down to San Francisco and fly in and out of there, then ride home, so his arrival here will depend on how much sleep he gets on the return flight and thus how far he can ride that day). He’ll be home for at least two weeks. Hurrah! Meanwhile, I’ve started watching the first season of Northern Exposure. I’m dismayed that the Netflix discs have only two episodes on them, and sometimes that’s it plus deleted scenes. (The second disc also had outtakes, which were great.) Alas, my discs caught up with each other, so rather than having them staggered, I mailed two back today. Another thing that slipped through the cracks of mentioning lately is that I finally got off my butt and joined RWA. I said I’d do it when I sold my first book, but somehow I never got around to it ‘til now. I’m waiting on the paperwork, and then I’ll join the LA chapter, and probably Passionate Ink as well, and whatever the paranormal online chapter is. Because, of course, now that I have another erotica book almost-under-contract, I’m itching to write paranormal again. I had dinner and spent the evening with Morgana and Brian, and now I’m off to bed. My back hurts a little from some walking around and sitting, but I think it’s normal strain, not anything bad. I haven’t been sleeping well, so I’m tired, and looking forward to curling up with the cats for a nice long nap. G’night! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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