It's About Time
becoming healthy again one day at a time...

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I've tried not to make this about food yet, but there is one food thing I've been working on: my problem with sugar. I actually didn't eat that many cookies during the holiday, and have pretty much limited my sweets because the last thing I want right now is to get stuck in my sugar cycle again. The cravings honestly drive me mad. So I figured if I could get myself off, I'd start breaking the cycle. I've been using the fruit in my lunches to help combat the need I have for sugar, and it's been working pretty good.

I don't kid myself about this--it's a need that comes from addiction, but it's an addiction that, in a way, I'm lucky to have. See, most adults with ADHD find ways to "medicate" themselves. Most pick substances like alcohol and drugs. My medication has been sugar. However, knowing this doesn't mean I should dive into my sugar cycle wholeheartedly.

There's one time that resisting my craving doesn't work for me and this time is upon me now. Hub's given me a bit of chocolate to help me through the current cravings, but I was really hoping to avoid it. I don't want to get sucked in again, but I've been fighting it for days now and it's getting worse. Hopefully, I won't nosedive into eating it all the time again.

As an interesting side note: I haven't consciously been working on reducing my salt intake, but guess what's been going down anyway? I really credit the box lunches with this--eating the healthier foods, more raw foods, and such has already begun to change the way I taste food. Which probably is also why the sugar hasn't been a big deal up to now.

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