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Running Late
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So, I was too smug about getting up on time yesterday. I was up almost 40 minutes late today and have been running later and later ever since. Did get the kids out on time though, thank goodness.

No exercise today--I'm going to keep it at every other day during the week for awhile, maybe even longer than I did the first time. I'm almost positive that the cold is contributing to some of the problems I'm having right now, but I don't want to get as achy as I was a few weeks ago--I wouldn't be able to move. :P

Dishes done (one of the reasons I'm getting later and later--I left these for the morning last night...baaaaaaaad idea!).

Dinner Yesterday
Baked BBQ Pork Chops
String Beans

Cheerioes w/Banana & Milk

Lunch Today
Another reason I was running late--I made a bit more of a complicated lunch this time around.

Bento #5: Meatballs, Mirin Rice with Chives

Smaller Compartments: Fresh Broccoli, Fresh Carrots, and Ranch Dressing in the "teardrop" cup; Peach Pieces & Babybel

Bottom Tier: Meatballs from Japanese Meals on the Go: Bento Boxes and Mirin Rice with Chives.

I think the meatballs may need a little more egg next time--they were falling apart a bit when being browned. Could have been a bit too much onion too. I'll just have to figure out how to adjust the recipe the next time I make them (if I like it). I added the chives to the Mirin Rice (1/4 cup mirin for every cup of rice) for color and extra flavor.

And now I've got to run. I haven't started my editing work yet and it's lunch time! Yeesh!

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