It's About Time
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Winter Needs To Go
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No, really, it does. I seriously hate this weather.

Anyway, another late morning, though this time it's not really a surprise. After almost a week of not needing to be up so early in the morning, and more than a few recent nights of needing to stay up because my son was awake, being up on time would have been just short of a miracle. Fortunately (?), the only one these late mornings really affect is youngest--though I do hate rushing her out the door. At this point, though, maybe we can get back on track with getting up early since the next vacation day for the kids is almost a month away, and saxy is working so he can't pick up the slack for me by letting me sleep in. *g*

Being out of bed and back to work despite a headache. Tomorrow I pick up the exercise again.

This particular headache is NOT a migraine--I think it's pure sinus issues. But it's still hovering much the way a migraine would, and trying to resist the meds. Meh. I got work to do or I'd be in bed.

Dinner Yesterday
Pork Chop
Noodles w/Sauce
Green Beans

Cereal w/Banana

Lunch Today

Sidecar: Tuna & Rice Balls (mixed together rather than stuffed), Shrimp, Almonds
Top Tier: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cucumber Stars & Heart, Hardboiled Egg (just in case the tuna & rice balls don't go over so well)
Bottom Tier: Strawberries, Cherries, & Grapes
Not Shown: Ranch Dressing for veggie dip, Bananas in Vanilla Yogurt (w/extra to dip strawberries)

Did you know that almonds are on the Mayo Clinic's top 10 healthiest foods? We use the Mayo clinic pyramid to guide our eating, and it allows as many veggies & fruits as you want. Which is good--the fruit really works as an alternative to the refined sugar in sweets (which I have a real problem with). And the Mayo pyramid makes more sense to me. I never understood why the newer pyramid has grains on the bottom. :P

Okay, off to get some work done!

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