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No Bento Today
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Not doing the bento thing today--just don't feel like pulling one together at the moment. We've got some leftover chicken and I've got ideas for what else to have, so it's okay, especially since everything is healthy. Not much to grab and snack on today.

In addition to the usual editing work this afternoon, I'll also be making food for bentos that can be frozen and pulled out when desired. I haven't been up to much the last couple of evenings, so have pre-made food is going to help. when I'm done with breakfast, I'll even be making extra pancakes. Hub isn't interested in breakfast type bentos, but I liked the one I made awhile back. Besides, I need to use all the batter and not waste it. :P

I wonder if a pancake would make an okay grain replacement for rice....

Not much, but that's okay. It's my off day anyway...thank goodness.

Dinner Yesterday
Roast Chicken (and I did a pretty fine job, if I do say so myself!)
Mixed Veggies (also nicely done--not mushy at all!)

Blueberry Pancakes

Lunch Today
So this is what I'm thinking about...not set in stone till I eat it. ;)

Roast Chicken (leftover)
Chive Rice w/Paprika
Strawberries & Vanilla Yogurt
Some kind of Veggie yet to be determined (Promise!)

Yes, I'll eat a veggie. And isn't it neat that the bentos have me thinking healthy food even when I'm not making them? :)

Okay, want to get some work done early so I can work on my own writing early.

Weather: Partly Cloudy
Mood: Tired, but still getting over sinus crud. And at least I'm ready to work. ;)

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