It's About Time
becoming healthy again one day at a time...

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I was pretty sick the later half of last week--quite a bit came together all at once to pretty much put me to bed. I started to feel better late Thursday/Friday, but I didn't want to push it. As much as I'm tired of this one again/off again thing going with the exercise, I've been jumping right back in as soon as I feel better and it doesn't seem to be helping. I figured a whole weekend of rest to make sure I was doing better wouldn't be a bad thing.

1 session of stretch.

Winter may not have been the best time to try to get this exercise thing in place, but I wanted it to be in place when summer hits--that's when it gets too hot and humid to do ANYTHING, much less try to put an exercise habit in place!

I am frustrated with the lack of consistency so far, but at least I haven't given up. And I guess that's an accomplishment in and of itself...yes?

Dinner Yesterday
BBQ Ribs
Olive Loaf

2 Pancakes
1 egg scrambled

Lunch Today

Bento #30

On Top: Olive Loaf slices (put in snack baggie to keep from getting soggy)
Sidecar: Chive Rice w/Paprika, leftover BBQ'd Ribs from supper last night

Bottom Tier: Carrot Sticks, Broccoli, Baby Bel, Cucumber Stars, Almonds as fillers
Top Tier: Peppermint Candies (3), Apple Slices, 1/2 a Tangelo, more Almonds (last of the can, actually)

Bento #30: Box 1

Not Shown: Butter for bread, Ranch dressing & Vanilla Yogurt for dippings

Also not shown: the black forest cake hubs picked up from Sam's Club. This I must resist...right?'s 11:30 and I'm hungry. A half hour isn't that big of a deal when it comes to eating it? ;)

Weather: Gray, gray, gray...did I mention gray?
Mood: Better than it's been--determined to get some work done, dammit! ;)

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