Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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STShowcase: Yasser Arafat
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Here is your host, Hal Holbrook.

HH: Hello "Thinkers" and welcome to ST Showcase. I'm your host, Hal Holbrook.
First off we want to congratulate the Lain family, with all those little wippersnappers on thier fourth child.
My goodness. Aren't they just the most fertile couple, and let you know they picked "Noah" as the name of thier newest child.
So none of you "Sillies" won the big prize in the "Name The Baby Contest".
Better luck next time.

Now onto today's Showcase presentation.
With the death of Yasser Arafat this week, we went into the archives here at ST and found a Connie Chung interview with the leader and thought we'd show it to you today.
So buckle up your time machine and get ready to be whisked back to Novemeber 9th, 2004, for an exclusive interview with the Chairman of the PLO, Yasser Arafat...

STNews presents

ST1 on 1

Now, from our New York STNews World Headquarters in New Jersey is chief meterologist and your host, Connie Chung.

CC: Good afternoon and welcome to ST 1 on 1. I’m Connie Chung.
Today an exclusive interview with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat who, as many of you know, is hospitalized in a French military hospital.
Chairman Arafat, Hello, this is Connie Chung, ST News, New York. Can you hear me?

YA: (kiss kiss) Yah!

CC: How are you feeling?

YA: Soup!

CC: Chairman Arafat, there has been much speculation about your condition. There was a report soon after you entered the hospital that you were dead, then being kept alive on machines, then resting comfortably. How are you now, what’s your condition?

YA: (kiss kiss) Soup. Where’s my soup?

CC: Do I read that to say you are feeling better?

YA: I like pie!

CC: Mister Chairman, what is the illness that has struck you, we have very little information.

YA: (kiss kiss) Bo- nana cream. Where’s my soup?

CC: I don’t follow you.

YA: (kiss kiss). Yes.

CC: Chairman Arafat, there is a controversy brewing over your final resting place. Where do you want to be laid to rest?

YA: Bo nana Cream.

CC: I don’t know…

YA: Soup?

CC: What does that…

YA: (kiss kiss)

CC: There is a report out today saying that you have an obscene amount of money hidden away. That you have profited, hugely, from the Palestinian people. How do you respond?

YA: (kiss kiss) I doodied myself.

CC: Chairman Arafat, in our last remaining moments is there a message you would like to send to the west, and the world?

YA: I like soup. Bo nana cream. Pie.

CC: Thank you PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat.

YA: I like pie.

Join us Wednesday and Thursday for a special two part
“Doctor’s and Nurses Hospital: Investigation Unit” with special guest star, Douglas Lain.

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