A Bit of Randomness

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. --Diane Arbus
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It is a rare day indeed when I have so many things I want to blog about that I can't even begin to figure out where or how to start.

So, as I'm want to do, I'll start with Dylan. :^)

Last week (yeah, I meant to post it then. Hush up) Dylan had her first haircut. While her hair isn't waaay long, it was *just* long enough to be annoying and in her eyes if there isn't much in the way of humidity (if there is humidity, than her hair is just a mass of curls). It was very un-traumatic and she made friends with just about everyone there. I held her on my lap and my fabulous hairstylist chick worked around me and Dylan's head bobbing to just neaten everything up. It was so cute. And yet, a bit scary to realize my child has passed yet another milestone.


See! I hold off posting for one reason or another and then all my thoughts fly quickly away. Sheesh. There was much about the nature of people and life. I swear. But, it will come back, I believe, if I just sit here tap tap tapping away.

I recently realized that I am, in fact, one of those people who believe in fate; that the world works in specific ways for reasons that should - if worked about long enough - eventually make some sense. And right now, I'm having a devil of a time figuring out the whys of what is currently going on in my life. Add to that the fact that I also have quite often experienced the wonders of a Deus Ex Machina - and am now not! - and I'm feeling quite lost and alone in the universe. And I don't like it at all. While there are definite moments of joy and bliss, I have to accept and admit that I am, in fact, quite depressed right now. Which is something I thought i would never ever ever say (or write). And as these are things that I've never really dealt with, I'm not entirely certain how to handle all of it. But I do know that my current course of (in)action isn't working at all.

However, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are coming up and I'm hoping that this year, with or without a congregation, I can find a way to honor and observe. It really is such an amzazing and important time of reflection and renewal. And, as Im not pregnant or nursing, I should be able to fast in some way. But we'll see how much I can handle, medically speaking.

Ok...I'll save the rest for another entry or two...

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