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Guruzilla's /var/log/knowledge-junkie ["the chatter of a missionary sysadmin"] 2003-06-01 1:07 PM Review: Kosuke Koyama, three mile an hour God Previous Entry :: Next Entry |
{ Now playing: Count Basie, The Complete Decca Recordings, Disc One Recent movie: Throne of Blood****; Black Robe*****; Farscape (Season I:8-9)**** Recent books: Leviticus; Ephesians; Sources of Japanese Civilization vol.1; Kosuke Koyama, Three Mile an Hour God; Steven Brust, Yendi; Velli-Matti Karkkainen, Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective; Kosuke Koyama, Waterbuffalo Theology; C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce; Schlatter, The Theology of the Apostles; OMF, The Biography of James Hudson Taylor; A Hundred Things Japanese; The Japan Christian Yearbook 1968; I John 1:2 (trans.); Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Aikawa and Leavenworth, The Mind of Japan: A Christian Perspective; Asimov, The Robots of Dawn } Review: three mile an hour God Kosuke Koyama's three mile an hour God is undoubtedly less well-known than his big hit, Waterbuffalo Theology, which garnered celebrity-status probably as much for being from the right place at the right time as for popular acceptance of Koyama's theology. This is to the shame of the popularizers, and not to Koyama's discredit, but it means that his work is now probably underused. Three mile an hour God is one of those little books that are overlooked, but often more helpful than their larger siblings. This decades-old book is just 146 pages, two of them endnotes, and contains 45 essays divided into four sections: "Life Deepening", "World Meeting", "Nation Searching", and "Justice Insisting". Essays is a misleading term, though every entry is thought-provoking and well-planned; Koyama describes the book thus in the Preface:
Every chapter begins with a verse, phrase, or short passage, and states the theme for the meditation. Koyama is neither simply doing exposition, nor merely springboarding from a text to his own ideas. The reflections are theological considerations of biblical ideas as they apply to our lives, at every level: personally, socially, in the church, and nationally (especially with reference to his native Japan). Many of Koyama's essays have an appreciation of Buddha or Buddhist teaching as a theme paired with the biblical text. (This of course almost assures that Koyama continues to be widely ignored by evangelicals.) One good example of Koyama's style is his reflection on the saying, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath." (Mk. 2:27-8):
Koyama has in view both the personal, the reader's reaction to the biblical commands, and the social, our sexism, racism, and statism. The strength of his reflection flows from the connection he is able to draw out between the text and the reader; Koyama uses the first person extensively and naturally, for both reproach and affirmation. The sense conveyed is never that untried theory is being thrust toward the reader, but that personal insight is being written, with almost the same intimacy as a letter. Three mile an hour God's themes are rather loose organizers, since Koyama joins the the social and political with the personal, but some progression develops through the book. "Life Deepening" opens and explores the themes of idolatry and holiness. The reflections focus on an inward and in-depth transformation in God, which transforms our minds for the right appreciation of a holy God and God's creation. Including the justice themes of later chapters, this first section is still concentrated on the theological critique of idolatry, over against the God who moves at our pace. In the second section, "World Meeting", Koyama addresses the problem of Christianity in the international and interreligious world. Koyama's reflection on evangelism (based on Mt. 28:19-20) is provocatively titled, "Christianity Suffers from 'Teacher-Complex'". In it, he makes a key point, that "Christianity is a historically developed religion just as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are. There is, then, no such thing as a divine, pure and uncontaminated Christianity." (Ch. 19, p.52.) Koyama unflinchingly critiques, in that essay and others, the "-ity" which is more interested in itself and its plans than in people, or in listening to God. Carefully, however, he avoids the trap of flattening faith in God down to just one in a series -- that, too, would be idolatry, to place God next to our own ideas on a shelf. The situation of Koyama's home, Japan, with its struggles of nationalism and militarism, is discussed in the essays "Nation Searching." Although the reflections are nearly a quarter-century old, it is a sign both of Koyama's perceptiveness and Japan's peculiarity that the essays still feel quite contemporary. Finally, "Justice Insisting" brings home the importance of holiness within creation, within societies and nations. Koyama lays strong emphasis on holiness as the wholeness of relationships and as justice (over against forces of greed and racism): "The life and ministry of Jesus was focused on the removal of personal alienation and social injustice from the world. He was the doer. In him the kingdom of God has come." (Ch. 43, p. 139.) This "three mile an hour God" moves us to overthrow idols both in our hearts and in society, and thus to work for the kingdom of God in our midst. So although it still shows its age somewhat, this collection of biblical reflections is nonetheless successful in provoking "in depth" reflection on the connection between the Bible and one's own life. I would recommend it warmly as a college or seminary text for a wide range of purposes, given Koyama's range of topics, and his biblical focus. The short essays and refreshing lack of jargon make it highly readable for nonspecialists; for theologians and seminarians, it is a model of understandable Christian prose which neither dumbs nor waters down. Koyama, too, moves at a human pace to instruct us. -- pmfh, Sunday after Ascension, 2003. Kosuke Koyama, Three mile an hour God. Orbis, 1979. ISBN 0-88344-473-9 |
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