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Guruzilla's /var/log/knowledge-junkie ["the chatter of a missionary sysadmin"] 2003-06-08 4:34 PM Review: Aikawa and Leavenworth, The Mind of Japan Previous Entry :: Next Entry |
{ Now playing: Kevin Max, Stereotype Be; TMBG, Flood; Koto Music of Japan; .rod laver, in a perfect world... Recent movie: Black Robe*****; Farscape (Season I:8-9)****; Godzilla: King of the Monsters*****; Godzilla 1985***; Beijing Bicycle***** Recent books: Leviticus; Ephesians; Sources of Japanese Civilization vol.1; C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce; Schlatter, The Theology of the Apostles; OMF, The Biography of James Hudson Taylor; A Hundred Things Japanese; The Japan Christian Yearbook 1968; I John 1:2 (trans.); Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness; Aikawa and Leavenworth, The Mind of Japan: A Christian Perspective; Asimov, The Robots of Dawn } There are many good books which scarcely show their age; this is not one of those good books. This is a good book which virtually shouts: "The year is nineteen-sixty-seven!" (The foreword, for example, is by U. S. Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II.) However, just as it is necessary to understand the Sixties to understand the present American pathology, so too Japan's past self-understanding should be understood. In eight chapters, Aikawa and Leavenworth discuss the encounter between Japanese ways of thinking and Christianity. Before addressing specific areas in which there has been encounter, the authors take three chapters to address background matters, beginning with Japan's situation in the mid-1960's, and encompassing broad outlines of Japanese cultural history and background. Both the background accounts and the analysis benefit from the internal point of view; both the affirmative and critical perspectives ring with authenticity and sincerity. The plea for a more informed and involved American public, however, has like the book gone unheeded, however. Although the background targets the geopolitical confrontation of the Cold War era, it is valuable both in itself for the learner, and as an example of Japanese self-reflection during this important period -- the perspectives expressed are likely to be shared by many Japanese of the same generation, or educated in this time. The final chapter, "Encounter with Leftist Ideology", falls into the category of historically interesting, but no longer timely. The meat of the book (the rice of the book?) consists of the chapters on encounter "with Indigenous Beliefs", "with Nationalism", "in Education", and "through Literature". Each begins by touching on the pre-Christian situation in Japan, briefly (ch. 5) or extensively (synopsis of Japan's religious history in ch. 4!), and describes how Christians adapted to, reacted to, acquiesced in, or countered the relevant subject. The nationalistic period of Japan falling hard on the re-introduction of Christianity, Leavenworth and Aikawa cover in some detail two important incidents, the latter being somewhat glossed over in the histories: Kanzo Uchimura and the Imperial Rescript incident, and "the Japanese Bride event" involving Naoomi Tamura (chap. 5). Uchimura's refusal to 'worship' the framed Imperial Rescript on Education (although the bow as gesture of respect was acceptable to him) was a major controversy which left Uchimura widely regarded as a traitor. The firestorm over Tamura's book about Japanese women and their place in marriage and society degenerated as he was eventually denounced even by many Christian ministers. The discussion in The Mind of Japan critiques the reaction, as one would expect, but also discusses the factors contributing to the failure of Christian resistance to an idolatrous nationalism. The authors are refreshingly frank in laying blame where they feel it is merited. Overall, I would give The Mind of Japan a qualified recommendation. For readers seeking a genuinely in-depth knowledge of the Japanese church and its contemporary situation, it is useful both as an analysis of its development and history, and as a primary source for that history. General readers will probably be put off by its dated concerns, and unless they have a grounding in basic studies of Japanese history and culture, will not receive the kind of overview and assessment they might have hoped from the title. Though well-written and persuasive at many points, Aikawa and Leavenworth have not here given us the final word on a Christian perspective on the mind of Japan. Takaaki Aikawa and Lynn Leavenworth, The Mind of Japan: A Christian Perspective. The Judson Press, 1967. LOC Catalog Card Number 67-17169 update: added missing paragraph tags... |
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