Still (sur)Rendering

All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
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There is nothing to read here. The content is over there, to your right.

I may, however, at some point, put something here. Some day. Eventually. No pressure.

Judy Blume is my muse x4

This is bound to be a rambling entry with additional bits of non sequiturs tagged on, so please feel free to disregard and move along.

All this recent talk of broken to broken and wound for wound has me reeling. I think I'm retreating again but I don't want to. I don't know how to stop it, though.

The wind has been blowing hard for days. We forgot to close the umbrella from the centre of the patio table; one particularly large gust later, the umbrella was up and gone into the alleyway, destroying the glass-top table in it's flight.

I'm still sweeping up the tiny fragments of glass. Sometimes things are so shattered, they're beyond repair. And that makes me queasy.

I need to stop seeing mirrors everywhere.

I love Charlie Brown. I love Charlie Brown because he adores the little red-haired girl.

I wish I was the little red-haired girl - anyone's little red-haired girl. But my mailbox is empty, so I know I'm not her.

Hi, I'm Darwin. I'm 12 today, it seems.

"Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love." - Charlie Brown

more later.

[...]Seen a young girl in a parkin' lot
preaching to a crowd,
singing sacred songs
and reading from the Bible.
Well, I told her I was lost
and she told all about the Pentecost,
I seen that girl as the road to my survival.

Just later on
the very same night
she crept to my tent with a flashlight
and my long years of innocence ended:
well, she took me to the woods,
sayin' "Here comes something, and it feels so good!",
and just like a dog I was befriended, I was befriended.

Oh what a night,
oh what a garden of delight ...
Even now that sweet memory lingers:
I was playing my guitar
lyin' underneath the stars
just thankin' the Lord
for my fingers,
for my fingers ...

-Paul Simon "Duncan"

It's not "what are you doing?" but "what should you be doing?"

Fuck. I don't know. Not this?

more later.

And I burned the chicken. Shake'n'Bake, for cryin' out loud.. how did I manage to fuck that up? I'm like the antiMarthaStewart lately.

jesus. The dogs won't even go near some of the food I've managed to mangle.

KD, anyone?

I was having more fun when I was drunk.

I'm just going to sit here with a blanket over my head and pout for a while.

Just as soon as I find my Journey's Greatest Hits cd. know, to continue on with this angst thing I got going on. *rolls eyes*

you guessed it - more later. I'm sadly not kidding.

I told you, move along.

Ok. My night has improved, if only because it turns out I'm not the only one who drunk-emails.


I need to take a break from reading.. my eyes are starting to bother me. I squint even when I don't need to.

Or I need new glasses. blah. I hate new glasses. They give me migraines for the first week or so.

I don't mind squinting so much, I guess.

soundtrack: Paul Simon - "Slip Slidin' Away"

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