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All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
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There is nothing to read here. The content is over there, to your right.

I may, however, at some point, put something here. Some day. Eventually. No pressure.

more stuff

Holy crap, did I sleep in. I didn't open my eyes until just after 11:00am. Wow. Half the day gone and I've done nothing but sip coffee and surf the 'net.

I could easily get used to this.

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes for recent anniversary. I got over my apathy and managed to enjoy it. Booyah. Plus 15 dozen roses, diamond jewellery and a new alarm clock were bonus.

Stuff. Right. I've got stuff. I like stuff. At times I think I have too much stuff but I have a hard time parting with any of it, so I tend to squash that suffocating feeling that occasionally rears up (and usually when I'm dusting - a more than telling point, I believe).

Some of my fav. stuff:

--There's my vacuum (previously mentioned here) but I count it more as a need than just stuff. But it's still a fav., so it's going on the list.

--My iPod. LOVE!! I can't even describe for you the joy this thing brings me. 60G is just beautiful. Album cover art? Difuckingvine.iPod With preeetty colour? Can't beat it. Ok, I still have 48G free but that's because I've become very picky about exactly what music I want to put on it. Remind me to take a pic of our cd collection one of these days and maybe you'll have a better understanding of why I'm being choosy. Too many choices. Plus there is still our LP collection that I'm dying to go through, copy and upload to my computer.. and yes, most of it is available to download (digitally cleaned up and 'perfect') but call me geeky, I like the scratchy, jumpy, static-y sounds of vinyl. It's charming, dammit, and I memory-associate the imperfectness just as much as the song itself. Ok, another debate for another time. Point is, I love my iPod and strongly recommend it for anyone who uses music to get through life like I do.

--The new alarm clock? M. loves me. For reals. And I know a lot of you are thinking "An alarm clock? iHome For an anniversary gift? Whaaat?" Surprise! More iPoddy-goodness. I don't listen to the radio (for music; I used to listen to CBC [NPR equiv. for you 'mericans] Radio when I was in the shower but not anymore). Anyway! I love being able to listen to my iPod without headphones and this alarm clock is light enough and portable enough for me to move it around the house when I don't feel like holing up in the bedroom. A remote control can be purchased for it and I'm figuring with both Christmas and my birthday coming up, I've got a pretty decent chance of getting it. Huzzah for gadget girl!

--Ok, I'm the first one to admit that as a pen and paper kind of gal, the PDA is probably at the top of the 'stuff' list because I certainly don't need it. My wallet is pamlpilotof the Dayrunner variety, meaning it comes with address book, to do list, day/week/monthly planner, note pad and other such organizational kibble. (And a place for my favourite pen.) Kibble that I like. So what for do I need a PDA? Exactly. I don't. But the PDA has pretty colours and a dazzling array of games, from solitaire to Bejeweled (more addicting than heroine. trust me.) Yes, yes, it has a billion other practical purposes and the Bluetooth tech is something that makes M. drool - though I highly suspect he just likes saying "beam it to me, Scotty" whenever he wants to swap info crap with me. For now, however, it is my electronic toy that keeps me happy while waiting in line at the grocery store, in the bathroom, or even at the girling's school concerts where we're forced to sit for 3 hours whilst waiting for her little 3 minute performance. Yay Palm!

Ok, I'm tired of all the linkage and I'm going to leave it at that for now. My telescope, my NetMD player (ooo - boo hiss! I hate it and spit on all Sony products) and my laptop will have to wait for another day. Maybe. This has all bored me silly so.. you know. Maybe not.

This whole LibraryThing thing is killing me. In a good way. I've got over 200 of my books catalogued in there now with still one more bookshelf to add. I would have been finished a while ago but every once in a while when I start entering the info for a book, I'll want to reread it again. Which is very cool, rediscovering lost or forgotten favourites, yeah? I'm debating whether or not to pack up a bunch that I've no intention of reading again (i.e. Tom Clancy paperbacks) and hauling them to the small new/used book store. They'll take them in trade for in-store credit towards book purchases. Swank! Because there are new books I want. There's always new books I want.

Maybe I should just renew my library card?


more later

soundtrack: Nickelback feat. Kid Rock - "Saturday Night"

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