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This entry is rated NC 17, btw. Kids, be gone!

So, I'm working the Folsom Street Fair this weekend. I'll be at the Blowfish booth, of course, which should be located midway between Dore Alley and Tenth Street. My boss is picking me up, because BART does not run early enough to get me there at 8:00 am.

8:00 am. UGH!

But, really, that's the worst part. Ok, so I wouldn't normally choose to spend my entire Sunday at that fair, but it's a fascinating fair and at least I'll have a place to sit out of the sun (Folsom is notoriously hot and crowded, and I get tired of pushing through crowds and standing around to watch public floggings, you know?). And, I get overtime for working, but it's not computer work, so it shouldn't hurt my arms -- yay! And, well, Heathen is going to be there, as well as Richard (aka the shipping boy), who won't be working the booth but will come by in his hot little leather daddy outfit with his boyfriend (wearing a straight jacket) on a leash and make us all drool. That's always fun :-) And Tim's never been before, so it should be fun to take lunch with him and show him around, watch some bondage demos and ogle the girls in corsets and dream of the day when we can afford to buy me one (um, corset, not the girls).

ANYway, the dilemma is, of course, what to wear. At first, I was going to wear some bondage-y stuff I already own, but it's all, um, topless (or under-breast) and while that's perfectly appropriate for Folsom, it's not appropriate to wear in front of my bosses all day long (not that I'd want to, anyway). Then I decided just to wear black shorts and my black t-shirt that says "Sin like you mean it." which would be comfy and still appropriate, if not quite exciting. Heathen complained when I told her this, explaining that this was one of the gay high holidays and I just HAD to dress for it.


Then I came up with the "innocent" white look: a white cotton chemise that laces up the back and white ankle socks with lace cuffs (with Mary Jane shoes, of course), hair in pigtails. The problem there is that wearing white is asking for someone to drop food or worse all over me. This *is* a fair where some people act as public urinals -- you never know what you might accidently rub up against.

I know, most of you are wondering who in the world would even go to such a fair. Heh.

So, finally, i think I've hit upon an appropriate outfit. It's comfy, sexy and not white.

The saucy librarian look.

Hair in bun, held by a pencil. White shirt two sizes too small buttoned down so that the lacy dark bra shows, short skirt, garters, stockings and . .. well, I'll probably just wear my black clogs because my feet won't be seen very much and I'll be damned if I'm going to wear heels all day long; I usually only wear heels if I know they're going to be in the air.

Anyway, it seems appropriate, especially since fans of Blowfish will know me as the book buyer. Every so often, I can take the pencil out of my hair and shake it down around my shoulders.

I'm bringing the other two outfits, though, just in case I get bored. It's a 10 hour + day.

I'm actually kinda looking forward to this fair, though. If you're going to Folsom, do come by the booth and say howdy!

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