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Determined to be Cheerful
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Eh. I'm getting sicker. This is so not fair. It's probably just a cold -- my throat is sore (but that could be from coughing up the phlegm in my lungs, which, btw, is no longer bloody), and my sinuses hurt -- but because I just had/ still am getting over pneumonia, I'm going to have to drag myself back into the doctor to have them check my lungs and make sure that the pneumonia is getting better. If it's not, well, I dunno. From what I've read on the 'net, if I don't get better they might hosipitalize me, but there may be other treatments (such as an inhaler) that they might try first.

But it's probably just a cold. Sucks though.

This week I've been going to bed early and still waking up exhausted. I feel like I'm just not sleeping well/ deep enough, but it may be that I need more rest than I'm getting. I come straight home from work and lay on the couch until bedtime. Hell, I only sit up to eat. This sucks.


There are some brighter things in my future, including the Hidden City Writer's Workshop, which I'm very excited about, though I have to admit I have some worry that I'll still be sick in 24 days (it's possible, with pneumonia, though not probable at my age). Still, a week in Lake Tahoe with a bunch of talented writers, good food, hiking (if I can hike by then), a pool table and a HOT TUB. Ahhhh. I can hardly wait!

Oh, shit, must figure out who's going to watch the cats for us.

What else is good? I want to dance, which is a nice feeling, but I can't, so it ends up being frustrated. Though the cracks and pops my poor unexercised body is making kinda feel good. I'm still burning calories just being awake, which almost makes up for not being able to go to the gym. I am suspicious of diets where you lose weight by changing something drastic in your life --eating way less than you usually would, working out too much/ intensely and, now, I'll add getting sick -- mainly because I don't believe they work long-term. Sure, you may lose a lot of weight, but you'll just put it back on eventually when you eat the way you really want to/ stop the intense training/ get better. So, I'm trying not to let myself get too excited about losing weight while sick.

Man, I'm trying to be positive and I end up sounding like a crank.

Ok, I'll end by concentratiing on good friends. I have really excellent friends. They're really good people, they're talented as all get-out (yet not snobby about it), they're funny and smart, they like me, faults and all (not just in spite of my faults) and they're sweet and supportive, even when I don't email them back very quickly. I love my friends; you guys rule.

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