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Eat, Trap, Cut
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I haven't been feeling very updatey lately. No, nothing's wrong -- I think mainly what's going on is that it takes a lot of work to take good care of your body, especially when you haven't done it (much) before and are trying to break into new, healthy, habits. Once I get this under control, I'm hoping to get back to some other projects that aren't receiving as much attention as they should (read: writing, especially my novel).

But, the health thing is going well! I'm cooking more -- made the Veggie Gumbo again, which is great to bring to lunch, and I tried a new recipe called Tropical Basmati Salad which is basmati rice, chicken, dried cranberries, mango chutney and, er... something else I can't recall at the moment. It turned out nice and sweet/spicey, and both Tim and I liked it a lot. I'm hoping to keep on like this, adding a recipe a week, until I get a nice little repetoire down. Hell, I may even start having small dinner parties... a girl can dream :-)

I'm also doing a good job of getting into the gym twice a week, which is nice. I've found that the best way to make it there is to schedule a dinner with a friend right afterwards. Now, I obviously can't rely on this for financial reasons, but it's almost a foolproof way of keeping me from skipping at the last minute.

I'm still working away on Flytrap. I find myself reading through entire stories even if I can tell from the first paragraph that they're probably not a good fit for us. It's nice to have lots of good stuff to read, though it's making this process a lot slower than I'd like it to be.

In other 'trap news, Tim's taking issue #2 to the printer today! Yay! I've spent the past few days proof-reading it, and I'm really pleased with how good an issue it is! I hope you all like it! It's debuting at Wiscon at the end of this month.

Hm, what else? Oh, yeah, there's a anniversary sale going on here at work -- 20% off nearly everything on all orders placed over the website, now through May 10th. Please be over 18, though, as this is an adult site (and not work safe, unless your job is like mine).

I got my hair cut on Saturday. Every so often I chop my long hair off to my shoulders, usually when it's hot out. This is probably my last haircut until I get married (probably October 2005), as I want it long and romantic for that. I'm a little bummed, as my hair stylist, Amy, is going off to nursing school and will no longer be working there by the time I'm ready for my next cut. She does wonderful things to my hair -- makes it bouncy and gorgeous -- and I've been faithful to her for the past six years or so. Sigh.

Tim likes my hair -- he's even said it's almost like having a different girlfriend, as my hair is all boppish and cute instead of long and romantic. He just emailed me and told me that he got his hair cut off today, and I'm hoping I like his cut as much as he likes mine! I'm still waiting to hear if he got it cut chin-length (which is what he said he was going to do) or if he got it short-short. Meep! It will be interesting!

We tend to do this -- get similar haircuts. Yes, we are too cute. No, you're not getting sick from this -- it's that lunch you ate, I swear. :-)

Ok, I could go on now about how we put the cats on a harness and leash and let them explore the backyard, but I'm tired of typing and this is, surely, enough for now.


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