Helena Handbasket ...why not? |
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2006-04-27 3:06 PM Beeramisu! Quick!
Somebody have a dinner party so I can make this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anybody else feeling antsy for no good reason today? I don’t know what my problem is, other than I was feeling really tired and stressed earlier in the week and now I am feeling better*, which makes me think I must be forgetting something and as a result a Very Real Disaster is about to occur. Let me get this straight, Helena. You’re feeling anxious because you’re not anxious? OK. Just so we’re clear. *This actually makes no sense at all because The Baby decided last night that she didn’t believe in sleep. I realize I shouldn’t talk, since The Man is the one who stayed up with her, but even though I was snoozing while he was up with The Blood-Curdling Screaming Child from Hades, I couldn’t sleep well – what with all of the aforementioned blood-curdling screaming combined with the lack of a long, dark ponytail to curl in my fingers (some people have a security blanket – I have a security pony tail). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’m all in a tizzy because The Man’s show opens on Friday. The way he’s talking, it sounds like it’s going to be an absolute train wreck, but everybody always says that. I, however, say that even if it’s not the greatest show ever (and even though I am sure this doesn’t excite you the way it does me) it’s my man SINGING! In a TUX! Please indulge me for a moment and realize how very much in my shining glory I am at times like that. I plan to be sitting in the audience with a HUGE CHEESY grin on my face, my only thoughts being something along the lines of “Duuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Man. Good.” You see? Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take that much to make me happy: just a man with a ponytail who can sing. Lucky, lucky The Man. Reading: Zorro, Isabel Allende The Free Times National Geographic Psychological Testing Catalogs Hearing: Today's Office Shuffle: The Ditty Bops, Ray Charles, Keane, Sting, De-Lovely Soundtrack, Chris Isaac, The Thorns, Love Actually Soundtrack, Women of the World: Celtic Needing: A mint or some gum. I think I am getting old because I worry about the gum sticking to my fillings and would really rather have a mint. In My Car CD Player: The cheesy 70s love song mix from our wedding. I ask you: what could be better than driving through the ghetto with the windows rolled down, singing "Love is in The Air"? Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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