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2006-05-08 3:52 PM Looking for a distraction… I haven’t got anything to say, or at least I think I don’t. But have been trying to distract myself from my worries for most of the day and it’s not working. So even though I really don’t want to/can’t write about any of them here, I thought I might sit down at the ol’ keyboard and see if anything useful falls out of my head. And if I don’t manage to solve all the world’s ills, at least I have been distracted long enough to finish out my work day. I feel like have been mostly just taking up valuable space today and using up air that could go to some other more productive person, rather than earning my keep and serving my intended purpose, namely managing an office. Mentally I am in a whole other place today.
Actually I think the problem is more that I am in several places at once. It might be just the caffeine, though, and not actual problems. I had more than my usual amount of coffee this morning, in an effort to hasten my recovery from Saturday’s debauchery* (when my sleep schedule gets thrown off, it’s always the second day that’s the hardest). So now I don’t know if I am anxious or if I just lingered a little too long at the Temple of Caffeina. *Cast party at our house + beers with a shot of tequila and a squeeze of lime = Trouble (note the capital ‘T’) My regular orchestra gig finished up last night with an unremarkable concert of music that I didn’t much care for. So for the next couple of weeks I’ll be sitting in with the local community orchestra. I know The Man is hoping that I’ll decide to ditch my usual group for this one, so that he can actually see me on Monday nights, even if just for a little while. But I don’t think this group of local yokels will be up to my admittedly very snobbish level. Right now I am a small fish in a big pond - and where orchestras are concerned, I like it that way. I’d rather play second violin in a really good group than be concertmaster in a group that I don’t even want my deaf aunt to hear. But I might just meet some local people that I like, and I might have a little fun, so I am going to check it out. Who knows, I might be pleasantly surprised. It’s happened before where my little town is concerned. So I find myself actually excited about going tonight. Weird. Hm. This entry didn't get nearly as long as I thought it would because the phone rang and I was forced to do things. But I suppose it served its intended purpose in that it's time to go home now and the typing kept me occupied. Reading: Zorro, Isabel Allende National Geographic Hearing: Badly Drawn Boy Needing: Not sure. That's the problem. In My Car CD Player: Midnight for Charlie Bone, by Jenny Nimmo. It's a children's book with a a lot of similarities to Harry Potter, but engrossing enough in its own right. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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