I believe because it is absurd

Many times during my days I read, hear, or see something that strikes me as profound, thought provoking, nutty, funny, sad, strange, crazy, enlightening, comforting, smart, stupid, different, etc., etc., etc.

This weblog will be the place that I share these things with you.
Barking blog

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July 2003
Previous Month :: Next Month

03: Don't patronize the hired help (1 comments)
03: I make wide right (left) turns (3 comments)
03: The T-shirt rule (0 comments)
04: Google rocks! (0 comments)
04: A Fairy Tale for the Assertive Woman (0 comments)
05: "not" capturing the Friedmans (0 comments)
06: A Mighty Wind (2 comments)
09: A Fair Fight (2 comments)
09: Only metrosexuals need apply (0 comments)
09: The Incredible "shrinking?" Y (0 comments)
11: 28 Days Later (0 comments)
12: A Mouthful of Air (0 comments)
12: An old radical adage states that... (2 comments)
14: Sometimes a Man Stands Up (3 comments)
14: In the Beginning (0 comments)
16: Napster, 60s style (3 comments)
19: There's no good answer (4 comments)
22: It's a great day! (1 comments)
24: Checking the news (1 comments)
26: Toking (4 comments)
26: He said what? (2 comments)
26: Edward Norton (0 comments)
28: Bob Hope (1 comments)
30: Oh! Hi! Oh! (0 comments)

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