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2005-03-04 8:36 AM George Armstrong Custer and Fathers Mood: dreamy Read/Post Comments (0) |
Had a doozy of a dream last night, and this is what I could remember of it:
I was checking my mail at a post office, and I had received about 50 wrapped presents from a co-worker Joe, who suddenly appeared as I was wishing to thank him and tell him he really didn't need to give me anything. I told him with his wife and two kids, this was really excessive giving, and I wasn't even sure why I got the gifts. He made me take them, and I carried them in a bag out to the forest, where some people were camping and doing crafts. I set them out on a table, and unwrapped them, being careful to put the paper and stuff in a trash bag. One of the gifts several ceramic items that needed to be painted, and some paint. It was getting dark, but I decided to paint them. Another co-worker appoached, and she had some painted ceramic stuff, and this person proceeded to point out all the paint flaws in my work. This make me pretty mad, as her stuff wasn't any different. I told her "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but if you should spend more time on your own stuff instead of critcizing mine." This person started to cry and ran off, and I felt bad, even though I was also angry for what this person said. Other people that were camping around started running, yelling something about the troops coming to arrest us, and I could see figures moving in the darkness of the distance. I started running towards a fort of some sort, with lines of people who where passing out rifles and preparing to defend themselves from something happening. I barely got to the fort, and got a rifle, and when I turned around to see who was approaching, I could see far into the distance as if it was a valley during the daytime, and Union troops were approaching. Yeah, from the Civil War. I didn't particularly notice that the people around me were Confederates or anything, but I definately say Union uniforms and somehow recognized a few Union officers and generals. So I did what everone else was doing, and started sniping officers. Apparently I was quite good, and killed a lot of people. I could draw a bead on them through my manual sight, pull the trigger and several second later they would drop. It was very satisfying. So much so, that I attracted several people shooting back specifically at me, including General Custer, who was visible with his long blond goatee and sparklingly clean off-white leather long coat. He was a good shot too, and winged me a couple times. We finally had to break off from each other. Several soliders from the Union actually got up to our fort and started climbing over, so I had to bayonet them and kill them. There was no blood from them at all, and I was a little suprised that each one was a different race, which in my dream stood out because I knew even then that this wasn't accurate. Of course, the rest of it seemed to make perfect sense. Union troops had spilled into the fort, so I ran to intercept them, and I ran into this Spanish-style house, where I didn't find any, but instead saw Custer and another officer trying to climb in the windows. I tried to stick my rifle out to shoot them, but I couldn't bend it out the casement to reach them, and they eventually got in. When they were in, and we were shooting at each other, I noticed that one of the officers was Tom Hanks. I think Custer might have been another famous actor as well, but I'm hazy on who. I shot Tom Hanks dead, and while Custer and I were riddling each other's bodys with bullets, a huge train came in, in slow motion, destroying the house utterly. I jumped out of the way, and I guess the war was over, because I decided to drive off to Austrailia. I got in a car, and my father was driving. The car had a bunch of strangers in it. While he drove, I admired the landscape of Austrailia, which was really just California (since I've never been, and now post-dream recognize it). I even remarked how it looked like California. My father had tickets on Southwest Airlines, and we were going to the airport to catch a plane. I was surprised the Southwest flew from Austrailia. We travelled on increasingly windy roads, ending up on a narrow cliff-side road, bordered by the ocean on one side. At one point, he jammed on the breaks, and the back of the car lifted up, and almost went over the front. But he stopped just so it could balance at about an 80 degree angle. He was doing it on purpose. It was making me dizzy, so I jumped out of the car. There was a hotel nearby, that was on pillars supported completely over the sea, so I decide to go there for a while. I was a little miffed that my father would do a dangerous driving stunt like that with people in the car. The hotel had a video arcade, and I started playing a jet combat simulator, something very sophisticated that felt almost totally real. I was trying to shoot down a jet that was shooting at me, and I couldn't suffciently lead the other jet to get a bead on him. I was trying with machine guns, and for some reason didn't want to use any missles. The time ran out on the game, and I finally woke up, dazed, wondering what the hell that was all about. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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