John T. Schramm

Thoughts ... Grievances ... Mind Wanderings

What can I say? I work in Information Tech. Or try to. Lately, it's a lot more trying.

I'm writing a suspense/mystery novel. I practice Martial Arts. I am learning play the guitar. I am trying to learn to speak Italian. I read, but not as much as I want to.

And I blog.

Or try to.

Curiosities served

April 2006
Previous Month :: Next Month

05: Finally, an April entry (1 comments)
06: Strange Things (7 comments)
12: 25,148 and rolling (and something funny) (0 comments)
25: 26,229 and rolling... (0 comments)
25: Great Opening Lines (3 comments)
25: Opening Lines for Morning (4 comments)

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