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2006-01-28 7:59 PM ILY minus 17 days and counting I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN, currently in pre-production. Today I ran the first rehearsal with the two women, Kathleen Haaversen and Fran Toliver. They play Clarisse and Agnes, and their scenes will be done using the same audio/music method we used for CREDO. Today's rehearsal doesn't show up in any of our formal plans (formal plans? we have formal plans?); it was more a bunch of discussion and improv on-book (referring to the script) to rough out business and blocking, punctuated by "takes" with a little Canon A95 so I could figure out (again, roughly) what I want to do with the expensive video camera once we're on-set. It went great. After I post this entry, I'll be capturing the footage and cutting it into my extremely rough video storyboard. Today's email also brought several pieces of good news. CREDO has won the Director's Choice Award in the Experimental/Open category at the Smogdance Film Festival (there's a nice letter from the festival director at the CREDO blog), and has also advanced past the first round at the Hollywood FAIF Film Festival. I got a third piece of news, but I don't have permission to post it yet. Now I have to get that video cut together and rough out a first pass at the shooting schedule. So what are you doing delaying me like this? I knew I forgot something. My old friend Jason was over last night to watch Battlestar Galactica, and while he was here, he showed me his rough first pass at the title sequence for I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN. What is hip? Our title sequence. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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