I haven't known what to post for some time now, especially since a friend died in September. I didn't want to blog about it, and nothing else was important enough.
I've also found that facebook lets me talk about myself in smaller doses, which reasonable people agree is much more satisfactory. But here's a junk drawer's worth of stuff from the last few months.

Marinate 5.5-pound brisket overnight in 1 bottle of red wine (I used some Portuguese "tinto red" we got from Fresh Direct) and 8-10 crushed juniper berries. Notice pitcher of orange juice on counter before putting it in the fridge, add a few glugs of that too.
Remove from fridge the next day, turn brisket over in the marinade because that seems like a good idea and let it marinate the rest of the morning.
Saute a couple of big onions, put them under the brisket. Decide no one has any real need for celery and don't send wife out for any. Realize you may finally have found a valid use for celery salt. Add a bunch, along with all 1.5 little bay leaves remaining in the bottle. More salt, black pepper.
Cover loosely with tinfoil, fat-side up. 450F for 1/2-hour. Reduce to 350F for 3-1/2 hours, turning the brisket over after 3 because you realize you accidentally put it in fat-side down.
Baste every 1/2-hour. Add carrots when there's 1:45 left on the timer. Add salt and pepper as needed, slice diagonally against grain, go make the latkes. |
Glommed from Laura, who glommed it from Claire.
I apologize in advance for the foreign-language titles, which I don't understand either, but I swear I didn't cheat on the others.
Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
How does the world see you?
Jack-Ass — Beck
Will I have a happy life?
Porn Coconut Co. — Plaid
What do my friends really think of me?
Mukaji Wani — Yogo, Dindo
What do people secretly think of me?
Sweet Pain — Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Michael Brook
How can I be happy?
Theme from New York, New York — Frank Sinatra
What should I do with my life?
Spotkani Z Matra — Vangelis
Will I ever have children?
Demons — Cosmic Debris
What is some good advice for me?
Symphonique #6 (Good for Goodie) — Moondog
How will I be remembered?
Bossa Alma — 00Soul
What is my signature dancing song?
Scene 1 (Joseph's cell), Dead Man Walking — San Francisco Opera
What do I think my current theme song is?
Wind — Coyote Oldman
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Wake Up (It's Africa Calling) — Youssou N'Dour
What song will play at my funeral?
Luckiest Man Alive — The Finn Brothers
What type of men/women do you like?
Dimitri's Bar — Vangelis
What is my day going to be like?
Disembodied Voices — The Finn Brothers |
(The first line of the first blog entry of each month in 2008)
- In order of random neural firing:
- I was at a Starbucks near my day gig, just finishing up sort of not-crying in a manly kind of way at the ending of Carmac McCarthy's THE ROAD, when my Treo's email popped up a Google alert for a great set of reviews at The Uber-Indie Project
- I have no more Hediard Caramel Tea. Who's going to Paris?
- This isn't long enough to post, but it's got a Galactica reference or two, and it's on tonight, so if I don't hit POST I'll have to wait a week.
- That equation I posted the other day? It's been disproven. Here's the new one:
42 years + 400 pounds combined weight + 12% grade + 20% ruling grade + 23 gear-inches + 8 hours' sleep = 0 oxygen left within a 1-mile radius of the hyperventilating but arrogantly self-satisfied man at the top of the hill
- The San Antonio Franciscan retreat!
- (No entry this month)
- If you're on facebook and want to watch the new cut of I LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY, AND I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN, friend me.
- (No entry this month)
- I haven't known what to post for some time now, especially since a friend died in September, and facebook lets me satisfy the need to talk about myself one sentence at a time.
A personally tolerable and gainfully employed 2009 to all.