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2004-09-01 3:21 PM Sheep Thrills Mood: Wooly Read/Post Comments (4) |
A growing number of games rely on sheep for their main characters. Take a gander at some of the newest ones to come to my attention.
Thanks go to my brother for notifying me of a bloody new online game called Sheep Cull (click to play): The premise is violently simple: see how many hopping, jumping, baaaaing sheep you can shoot with 50 bullets. Some commercially available boxed games include Wooly Bully, War & Sheep, and Turn the Tide (click to buy): The wolf wants to eat all your sheep. Get as many of them as you can into a fenced-in field to protect them. Can you count on the hunter to keep the wolf at bay? In their quiet pasture, two rival herds of sheep face off in order to graze the best patches of grass... all the while keeping watch so as not to be devoured by the wolves that prowl the area. In this seemingly bucolic world, nothing will stop these sheep from waging war without mercy... Baaaaaa! Shape up or sheep out! A huge storm is threatening Shepherd's Island and it's up to you to stem the tide. In this captivating card game, try to outwit your opponents by playing number cards wisely to stay afloat. Hang on to your life preservers to win the game. But, be careful how you play your cards of else you could end up in deep water! A great strategic game for the not too sheepish. But my fav is probably this chess set that I bought (on sight!) in York! White sheep on one side, black on the other. Gotta love the board too, with patches of grass and straw. The Dark Side of the Pasture. Two "knights" play chicken(?). And the ram-kings butt heads in the center of the board. As a shepherd leads his flock of pawns into the fray! (Two days after seeing and buying this set, I came across an alternative set -- in a different store -- made by the same company; it was identical except it had cows vs. sheep!) Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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