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2006-03-21 11:52 PM Theme: Borders Read/Post Comments (3) |
A few months ago, when the World Wide Panorama organizers announced their theme for the spring equinox shoot, it did not thrill me. However, an idea for it sprang quickly to mind.
They chose "borders" for people to interpret this time. Undoubtedly the vast majority of participating panographers will scurry around to stand in between one thing and another to take their photos. Probably the majority will head for the northern and southern U.S. borders, or perhaps Four Corners. Not me. I went only as far as the campus library today, to shoot a lot of people passing back and forth. I shot backgrounds first, then various people, so that I could edit parts of them out. Basically, I'm defining clothes as personal borders to meet this shoot's theme. I wrote a couple paragraphs about the subject to go along with the panorama when it's done. I've just spent the last few hours making composit images of people walking by, with all of their exposed skin and hair digitally removed, either by simply erasing to show background or by covering over with other parts of the photo using Photoshop's handy stamp tool. In any case, it looks kind of freaky, but it does work to emphasize the clothes people wear so it fits my interpretation. (Yeah, I thought of going to stand in front of a Border's book store, but that's not nearly as interesting.) I'll post a link to my pano when the WWP site goes public in a couple weeks. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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