My life in art
cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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02/03 - My Own Life in Art
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My Life in Art - Mojave 3

Wendy gets high for the 2nd show,
I watch her dance and I watch her flow for a dollar.
She dreams of Vegas and the desert strips
where she can dance and she can make a lot of money.
She left her home in a pickup truck,
left her husband when he beat her up
and now she works all night.

But that Kansas wind won't freeze her heart,
no the rain just rolls right off her back.
She's gonna be alright.

"Just tell me about the boulevards;
tell me about your life in art.
Yeah tell my 'bout the boulevards,
'cuz Europe always seemed so far..."

"You look so young and you talk so old,
lighten up babe, I might just take you home if you're lucky.
You read some books and they broke your heart
but you don't know one thing about life,
your just a pretty-boy.
And those bums on the corner will take your time
sell you their stories for a nickel and a dime.
You could learn something."
And she stares so hard at those neon lights
I swear to God she's gonna bust them up.

"Just tell me about the boulevards,
tell me about your life in art.
Yeah tell my about the boulevards,
'cuz Europe always seemed so far..."

She laughs as she lights a cigarette,
throws her arms around my head.
She says "I'll kill you.
I'll kill you, just for trying.
Cuz you don't even have the money,
you don't have the money...
Just buy me a drink and we'll call it quits
Tell me all about your pretty boy face.
Yeah tell me all your pretty boy's face."


This song makes me light a cigarette, stop for a moment and look around me. Then I wonder, why keep everything on the inside when I could throw it all out and see what comes from it? I do not expect people to read this, I just want to give voice to my restless soul, and keep in my mind that this is available for millions of people to find and read. Most likely they won't because as I am like one tiny star in the vast, infinite universe, this page is just accumulated bits in an enormous virtual world.

Returning to the topic at hand, I got to know Mojave 3 while I was reading a Brazilian gentleman’s magazine called VIP. In Vip there was a little review over Mojave’s 2000 CD release, “Excuses for Travellers.” They compared Mojave 3 to several bands including Travis and that's exactly the type of music I like. Mellow, melancholic, and true are the sounds of this style. At this point and in this life, Mojave 3 has become my home. I can just sit in front of my computer, light a cigarette, get a glass of wine or beer, and listen to them forever, just allowing the seconds to tick by. Although my body is in front of the computer, my mind is elsewhere travelling far, far away...

I have long been a dreamer, since my pre-teen times. I lived in a small and mundane town where I was rejected because of my originality and difference. I don't mean different as in a weirdo or freak, but as in "You look so young and you speak so old". During my life at Caratinga, my home town, I was restrained. I switched friends copious times. For some periods of time I was friends with the “in crowd” and for others with the “out.” It was during this time spent with different genres of people that I learned, in part, what defines me as a person. My self image strengthened.

Listening to Mojave 3 I have some good memories as well as bad, and the music makes me realize that most of my time in Caratinga was wasted. As I spent my days alone, locked away in my room, I grew up too fast thinking I knew everything there was to know about life because of what I’'d read in books. The rest of my time was spent conjuring up false tales of traveling, and the people I’d met doing so in hopes of my friends finding me “cool.”

Most of my life has been spent this way. I advanced stealthily in my school time until 2003, which was the year I literally collapsed and dropped out because I couldn't handle the illusions of my mind.

My life seemed to change when I moved to Rio to live with my mom, but it did not change like I wanted to.

In this journal I will expose a little about myself, my TRUE stories, regrets, fears, plans, past, present, and my expectation for the future. Nevertheless, Europe doesn't seem so far now...

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