My life in art
cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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05/31 - A Fond Farewell
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Today is the end of a very important month in my life. I gave up on the depressive mood and got a job - super! I'm almost finishing school (yet I still suck at it) and my situation with my family is drastic (yet, thankfully, I don't spend much time home anymore).

My job is very nice (despite the fact that my boss is very annoying) but sometimes it's sad. When I'm just sitting here behind my desk talking to the guests and sharing stories of our lives, sometimes the full life, they become a part of me - temporarily. Because they leave, and when they leave I'm not here to do their check out. It's a not consumed farewell that happens every single day, but they will always live in my heart, even though I will probably be forgotten quickly - just another hostel's receptionist.

Different stories, different lives, different people, with one thing in common: travelling. There is this couple from Denmark and since I've been working here they've been using the internet, which is located right next to my desk, and after they are done we talk for hours and hours. Oh god, I will miss them. I will miss talking to them, and our english flaws, and their stories about their country, and their white skin, their green eyes, their blonde hair. There was a group of three australians that left this morning - and I will never ever forget them. They were so funny and they would always ask me where is a good place to eat, or to drink, or to dance. And we would just sit outside smoking, and they would start telling me stories of the Outback. And we would laugh and laugh and laugh, for hours. There was this portuguese guy, who left yesterday. He was the first person I met in this hostel. He was so funny and we would sit outside to smoke and talk about the differences of our countries. And he was funny. God, he was funny. And the english group. I will never forget one of the guy's big smile - he would just throw that huge white smile at me everytime. And the english woman. And the aussie couple. And the japanese guy. And everybody else.

Whenever there is a new guest, I try to make them feel at home. There is nothing really special about this hostel, and the staff is really small. Besides, my boss is really mean and she yells all the time. I'm glad she doesn't understand a single english word. Because when I am making the guests feel at home, and giving them attention and laughter, I give them all my love and caring. I hope that will balance things in this hostel, because the rest of the staff is really mean, but very especially, my boss. I will do everything for them, and I will do it good, and I will be nice and polite every second someone gets here.

Their stories and their politeness, and their laughs, their requests, everything about them, will be recorded forever in my heart. And it makes me really sad that, tomorrow, they will not be here anymore and I will never ever see them again.

The only thing that's left for me is to wish them well, and hope they enjoyed their trip, and the hostel, and my company, even though my company probably means nothing to them. I am just an employee, like thousands of other hostels' employees. I am just an employee, and everybody is to be recorded in my heart. At least until I get used to losing them so suddenly. Like a fond farewell that never happened.

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