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Poor Little Kids of the Generation of 2000
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Moon 2 Day 11. White Crystal Wind
Week: 6 of 52 week year

"I feel this great, great pressure coming down on me. It's constantly coming down on me. It's crushing me."
Igby Goes Down (2002)

poor little kids of the generation of 2000. they will find a mean, mean world ahead of themselves. born in beds of valium, they will struggle for happiness in a place where happiness is merchandising. happiness is valium. happiness is xanax. librium. halcion. happiness is a glass of scotch and a pack of parliaments. happiness is bought, and you can buy it on the corner.

babies will become children able to think, and they will think too much, but they weren't supposed to be thinking too much. children who will play their 100th generation of playstation or their new potent computer. they will try to be someone else, someone who only exist in their dream, because they will get bored since no one is outside riding their bikes or running in the dust anymore. no one is outside, playing doctor on the treehouse's hideout. they will watch movies too early and they will read books too early, and they will get hurt. they will get hurt because they are not supposed to become readers early in childhood. children are meant to be stupid; children are meant to be silly; children are meant to be children. they will not have an structured family, but what is familiar structure, nowadays? they will begin to notice that there is so much treachery, hatred and violence and absurdity in the average human being to supply any given army on any given day.

and then they will become bitter teenagers and they will start to feel this great, great pressure coming down on them, and they will not know the reason. they will not understand the reason, but they will look for the reason. they will think that they are not normal and they are not happy. they have no idea that they are not alone. and they will start to look for a reason to blame this pressure coming down on them all the time.

they will find some relief smoking cigarettes and being cool. they will find some relief drinking until they pass out, and using that extremely awesome new synthetic drug. they will begin to steal their parents painkillers and they will acquire a taste for it. they will masturbate and have sex with their friends. they will try to look beautiful, because beauty is never enough. they will find someone who lives 20.000 miles away on the internet, and they will think they love this someone. teenagers will fall in love.

teenagers will fall in love and forget about everything else, and they will think they are happy, at last. until this flame is blown away by the winds of life. not wanting solitude,not understanding solitude,
they will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own.
then the pressure will raise and they will keep looking for happiness. they will breath sad songs and eat books. they will try to make art. not being able to create art, they will not understand art , they will consider their failure as creators, only as a failure of the world.
they won't stop looking for happiness. until they get shot or die in the war. wars will never cease. and even more powerful weapons will be created.

then they will start dreaming about endless road trips across america, with the beautiful sunset as a background. and they will get interested about the recent discovers of science. or they will dive in the art of occultism. they will learn about astral projections, but they'll never make one. they will learn about the spirit and they'll acquire a different point of view of "god". they will spread the word. but in the dark, alone in the night, they will cover their heads with their blankets, because they will be scared.

they will grow.

and the christians will wait for Jesus to come back to Earth again. and the ufologists will wait for the aliens to make contact. the economists will wait for the fall of the world's current great empire. vegetarians will expect the whole world to stop eating meat. and the intelligent ones will begin writting. or composing. or painting. or acting. or they will find what they want. they will fail many times, but they will realize that failure is a part of success. they will read catcher in the rye and identify themselves with Holden Caulfield. and later they will read Walden, and they will desire to live in the woods.

they will make mistakes and they will not dream during sleep. they will be prepared to face adulthood, but the pressure will never go away.

so they will get married, because marriage is an scapegoat for happiness. and they will have children. and their children will be born in beds of valium. their kids will struggle for happiness in a world where happiness is merchandising. happiness is valium. happiness is xanax. librium. halcion. happiness is a glass of scotch and a pack of parliaments. happiness is bought, and you can buy it on the corner.


it will repeat.. endlessly.

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