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cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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Accepting Reality
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"All my life I have been trying to find myself. I have been searching for rational answers that can explain exactly who and what I am and what really makes me tick."

Indeed, the search for truth lives within all of us, humans. It has lived within me at least for the last seven years, out of my nineteen years of life. I have searched the truth and the essential energy in many different places and beliefs, from the regular church to the most complex and fantastic UFO tales. All of these beliefs I tried and studied fulfilled my expectations for some time, giving me a different source of vitality to draw from the universe. But they wouldn't last long. As I got deeper and deeper inside them, my rationality and logical thinking would speak louder.

One thing I was fairly sure of was that I was probably not going to find the answers I was looking for within accepted and established norms. So I began looking for them in different places. But most of the times the beliefs would turn out to be literally stupid.

As I pursued one line of thought after another, I tried to find a single idea or overriding concept that was capable of holding all the answers. I was already caught by society's rules of "one-big-truth-will-give-you-life-4eva". You may think that someone so young couldn't acquire much experience from life anyway. But I did.

And with experience comes knowledge.

For much to my dismay these understandings did not include an all-powerful entity responsible for humanity or the universe. They were understandings that had little to do with alleged forces of good and evil or other concepts like morality, good, bad, right, wrong and all the other ideas that clearly originated and exist only within human minds. In fact, if you take the element of religion from its current position as a force within the universe and move it to the position it is a symptom of human ignorance and superstition, suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. Humanity with all its behavioral manifestations becomes fairly easy to understand including its predisposition to believe in things without any rational justification.

The puzzle pieces began to form a rational and comprehensible picture of reality I had never seen before. A picture that rang true because of its simplicity and constant reconfirmation as old questions continually found new rational answers. And as the picture became clearer and broader, I sensed deep inside I was finally beginning to see something that was much closer to the truth.

I felt I was getting closer to a logical truth and honest happiness when I began comprehending and understanding the way the world runs. If there is a God, this God is me. It's my mind, and it's the Universe. It's my life, my thoughts, and the Planet. It's my whole self and the Earth. I am a part of the planet, and when I die I will not be expecting some angel to come and take my soul
to Heaven or some devil to take my soul to Satan. I will have my body and energy recycled by Gaia. And I will contribute to the long life of this Planet, if men don't destroy it too quickly.

I can't help but feel a sense of pride that instead of following the accepted path, I chose my own course based upon understandings I fought so hard to uncover. The knowledge it has brought me has put my mind at ease and given me a sense of peace that was well worth the struggle. I highly suspect when I take my final breath, it will be without too many regrets and I wish no less then the same for the rest of us.

Based on LogicalReality's articles Quest for Eternity

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