Electric Grandmother

Maggie Croft's Personal Journal young spirit, wire-wrapped
spark electric grandmother
arc against the night

-- Lon Prater

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February 2005
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02: the second day of the second month (0 comments)
03: time to make the donuts (0 comments)
03: i think i might be pregnant... (0 comments)
06: kaleidoscope perspective (0 comments)
07: revisiting the dead house (0 comments)
08: the orange soda stuff (4 comments)
08: who said idaho is civilized? (3 comments)
09: great writing day (0 comments)
10: crepes for the wheat impaired (0 comments)
11: passing (1 comments)
12: bitter (1 comments)
13: jurassic park (0 comments)
14: ughnfpht (0 comments)
15: it's back (3 comments)
15: so productive, practically an acceptable member of society (0 comments)
16: tax time (0 comments)
17: even dinosaurs are afraid of their daddies (0 comments)
18: weekend excitement (0 comments)
19: strange raspberries (0 comments)
21: two moderately funny things (1 comments)
22: holiday (0 comments)
22: s'all good (0 comments)
22: carnivorous intentions (0 comments)
23: oh, for crying out loud... (0 comments)
25: oh kill me now (0 comments)
27: SCS reading and one big family (together again) (1 comments)

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