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2004-02-26 8:17 AM Star Wars Info: STAT Read/Post Comments (3) |
At the behest of my sister Katie, I am returning this journal back to it's rightful Star Wars place.
On my daily website marathon, one of the sites that I find myself returning to multiple times throughout the day is theforce.net. It's probably the most comprehensive and easily organized Star Wars site there is. For the past 6 years or so, theforce.net has been geared towards giving out as much information as possible about the new prequel movies. But the site is also comprehensive enough to give out information on toy collecting, fan meetings, Star Wars humor, fan fiction, and other multi-media type of stuff. Right now, with principle Episode III filming finished, the site has been overflowing with Episode III information. Although I said I was going to go as spoiler free as possible, it didn't take long for me to lapse back into 'Spoiler Junkie' mode. I justify it by saying that I'm going to avoid specific information about specific scenes. With the third movie, there really isn't a lot that CAN'T be spoiled because a lot of information has already been alluded to in other movies and literature. ie. We know there's a duel, we know that Anakin is Darth Vader, we know that Padme has twins, etc. etc. But I AM going to avoid information that directly talks about dialogue and specifics of scenes. I don't mind the broad strokes, but the second it goes to fine tooth combs, I stay away. So don't mind hearing about the duel, but I don't want to know the dialogue of the duel. I guess there's a difference. So I'm going to go ahead and give as much broad stroke, non-spoiler information as possible. Feel free to refrain from reading any further if you don't want to know general information. I'm not going to give anything major away, so don't be TOO concerned. I'm just going to talk about tone, and what people who have worked on the movie have said. EVERYONE who has said seen Anakin and Obi Wan's duel has said that it's absolutely breathtaking. It clocks in at 15 minutes, which makes it the longest lightsaber duel in the entire saga. Everyone has said that it's just absolutely brutal, and makes "The Empire Strikes Back" duel look like a cakewalk in comparison. In comparison to "The Empire Strikes Back" duel, the Episode III duel is faster in some areas, slower in some areas, has A LOT more dialogue, shows Jedi using physical force (fists, kicks), displays all the Jedi tricks seen and not seen yet, covers multiple worlds, is more fierce, and takes place on a lava planet. But the most striking aspect of the duel is that everyone was most shocked about the betrayal that happens in the duel. Even people who did not like the first two movies have said that the when they read the dialogue in the script, it gave them chills. The movie is going to be 60 percent action. We already know about the lightsaber duel. The opening space battle is going to be epic, and more grand than anything seen in any of the Star Wars movies. It's going to be the closing battle of the Clone Wars, and we will finally get to see why Anakin is considered "the best starpilot in the galaxy." Word has gotten out that in some instances in the opening space battle, you will have huge cruiser ships firing on each other at point blank range. Just completely annihlating the crap out of each other. Episode III has been described by Lucas to be apocalyptic. Expect lots and lots and lots of bad stuff to happen. According to someone on the official Star Wars site, if you think the Tusken Raider slaughter was bad, you haven't seen anything yet. Anakin is one bad mammajamma in this movie. For those of you who are worried about Chewbacca's appearance in the movie, don't worry. He's not a central character like he was in the original movies. He's mainly there because Lucas wanted to show a battle on Kashyyyk, and thought that it'd be a neat way to introduce Chewie to the saga. It'll be neat to see Chewie back up on screen in a new set of circumstances. But don't expect him to be as central to the movies as he was in the OT. A few more quick things: Yoda sees action again. According to insiders, nearly every question gets answered, some new ones get asked, and everything ties together nicely. That's about all I have time to write. Gotta get back to work. matt out Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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