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2004-03-29 2:52 PM Office Observations Read/Post Comments (5) |
2:56 p.m.
There's a guy sitting about 10 feet from me wearing a Smashing Pumpkins shirt for "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" shirt. It looks like a brand new shirt. I didn't know they made those anymore. He has an Abe Lincoln type of beard and long Kurt Cobain hair. I bet he listens to Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Maybe he's from Seattle and drinks Tall Mocha Lattes. If he had Birkenstocks, he'd be grunging out completely. 3:03 p.m. One of the students waiting for her appointment is reading a Time Magazine with "Spain's 9-11" blasted all over it's cover. I bet she's not reading about the train blasts in Spain. I bet she's reading about the rain in spain that falls mainly on the plain. Or maybe she's reading about how Paris Hilton was thrown off a horses back and right into a highly downloadable sex tape with poor lighting. 3:10 p.m. Just got off the phone with a complete idiot. He didn't know what his major was, his classification was, or what his Social Security number was. I wonder how these people make it through their days without causing serious bodily harm to themselves and others. Selective Darwinism doesn't move fast enough it seems. 3:11 p.m. The complete idiot just called back with all pertinent information. Must have called daddy and mommy back at the farm. 3:23 p.m. Some students come into the office with all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories. One student came in earlier asking about why the state had suddenly done away with Elementary Education certification. I informed him that the state of texas had not done away with the elementary education program and that all was fine with the world. He looked as if I had just spoken the word of God, and I'm sure I made his day. The student that just left, started our dialogue with, "I'm not sure what to think and where to check, but a friend of mine told me..." And those conversations always end badly. Any conversation that begins with "a friend of a friend told me" usually ends in some kind of Oliver Stone conspiracy, in which the entire world come crumbling down around them. 3:45 p.m. I FUCKING HATE MY JOB!!! THE PHONE HAS LITERALLY RUNG NON-STOP FOR THE PAST HOUR AND A HALF. MAYBE MORE. IF I'M NOT ANSWERING THE PHONE, MY CO-WORKER KATE IS. AND THEN WE SWITCH OFF AS IF WE WERE SOME KIND OF CARL LEWIS MEETS JESSE OWENS RELAY RACE. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE REGISTRATION TIME. AND I HATE THESE STUDENTS TOO. Well maybe not, But I do wish them an untimely and gruesome death. ;-) 3:50 p.m. My voice is receding quicker than Donald Trump's hairline. My energy is waning. And the students KEEP coming in, and the phone KEEPS ringing. %:@! p.m. blahse likemstance. juzilism slitmasninesnolaology. friggileman playstotionman justmanjustucjustus. lizimalzstrangleinsidz. Lupitty luppity chump chump. please shoot me 4:20 p.m. Sheet!!! I know what I'd *rather* be doing at 4:20!!! Oh crap...my mom reads my journal...Ummm...crap...hide the stuff man, hide the stuff!!! 4:24 p.m. Whoa...was that Bruce Lee's ghost that just walked by? Damn, that'd be cool! 4:25 p.m. I think my co-worker Kate hates this workday as much as I do. She's starting to look like Jack Nicholson did post-lobotomy in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Maybe when work lets out, I'll pull a Chief Bromden and throw a water fountain through the window. 4:45 p.m. All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! All work and no play make Matt a dull boy! REDRUM REDRUM 4:50 p.m. The last ten minutes of a day like today moves slower than the last ten minutes of any sporting event. Despite there only being ten minutes left, the minutes just seem to pile on top of one another. The second hand is taunting me like the bastard that it is. Why do you mock me so? Why have you foresaken me? Time's always been my friend, but today I say balderdash dear sir. 4:51 p.m. Kinesiology students always crack me up. I'll get into it later, at a different time. But imagine what it'd be like if you combined your typical frat boy, with Hanz and Franz (sans German accent), and the intelligence of an overbred Golden Retriever! Maybe that's a bit harsh, but nice words aren't really in my vocabulary at this juncture of my work day. 4:55 p.m. I believe I quote "Porkens" from "Star Wars": "Almost theerrree!!!" 4:56 p.m. My co-worker is quite the gossiper (sp?) If there's something tragic going on either in or out of our office, she's on top of it. She's a nice old lady, but she kinda gets annoying sometimes. There's only so much pointless rumor mill I can take. I'm turning into a grouch. Maybe it's because I've spent all of this gorgeous day trapped in this hell hole that I call work. Have I mentioned that I'm overly dramatic also? 4:57 p.m. Phone's STILL-A ringin!!! Yeehaw! 4:60 aka 5:00 p.m. Time to get the hellsa outta here. BOOOOYAH!!!!! Matt...outta dis mutha!!!! matt out Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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