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2003-03-30 9:36 PM Marching almost out of time... Okay, making some good progress on my last few projects before I dive back into the Blackbeard novel. Sheesh, how many times have I said that in the past few weeks? I know, I'm lame.
But I made some great progress on the Shadow Wolf story, picking up where Derek had left off, and together we've really hammered this sucker into shape. I'm really proud of what that story has become. I think it's quite close to being ready to send out. I also did some finishing touches to the SF screenplay, which I'm trying to rename instead of "Unplugged." Right now it's renamed "One Last Jack" (remember, this is the story about cyber-cowboys in rehab). I also gave Aaron, my co-conspirator, a bunch of title options, so we'll see what happens. I kind of got a kick out of "Cowboy, Interrupted." ;) And March is almost over! Man. It's been a fast, busy month. I'm still hoping to hit 50k before the end of the day tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it's gonna happen -- I got a novella bounced today, and I want to cut it to 10k (dropping 5,000 words from it) so I can send it off to a fantasy market, so I may be distracted doing that tomorrow instead of writing new wordage. But April, man, I plan on jamming out the words, and getting that pesky first draft of the Blackbeard novel written, honest. In other, less boring news, we got free tix to a Carolina Hurricanes hockey game last night, and that was pretty fun. Even if the seats were in the nosebleed section, and I didn't dare lean forward TOO far for fear of dropping onto the ice, half a mile below... The game was okay, until I realized our team was way overmatched and couldn't pass to save their lives. Ouch. And now it's late Sunday, and Monday is approaching. Ugh. These weekends are too short. ;) Now Playing: "Back Porch Music," WUNC Now Reading: Neuromancer, William Gibson Stories out to Publishers: 21 Today's Words: 1,000 Words for '03: 46,000 Today's Quote: He touched the pair of night-vision goggles in his pack, not wanting to put them on until the last possible second. In the process, he also ran his hand across the chem mask inside his backpack, the first item given to them on the chopper ride here, a harsh reminder that this was no scared kid out on his first smuggling venture he was tracking. His face tightened. None of this was part of the plan. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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