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Mood: Contemplative Read/Post Comments (18) |
2003-03-31 1:12 PM Just because. Yeah, so after reading Nick's Tips for web pages for fiction writers and the Strange Horizons editorial about online journals, I realize that, damn, my journal sucks.
So I'm giving you some content today, instead of the usual blather about what writing projects I'm currently working on (which was sort of the main reason I started this whole journal thing back in 2000 or so). So here goes -- real content! Let's see... Don't really want to write about the war going on. Don't really want to write about Cher not buying any more Michael Jackson albums. Don't have much to say about the NCAA Final Four (who's playing again?). Haven't even seen many of the new movies out, though I heard Jack is good in "About Schmidt." Let's see... Did I mention that the war in Iraq sucks? Oh, screw it. I'm just a dull Writer Boy, working on a couple novels and short stories, reading the ocassional novel (very slowly, I might add) and reading short stories, most of them online and/or by friends, either as a critique or the published version, sometimes after I've critiqued it (so I get some credit for it, right?). I'm not sure why I feel the need to keep a journal online, really, but I enjoy it, and it's usually my reward for getting some writing done. It's kinda weird, I know. Almost as weird as the snow that fell for about 20 minutes yesterday afternoon, while I was hunched over my computer keyboard (and Elizabeth was hunched over her laptop in the other room). But I enjoy it. Kind of makes my life seem more interesting than it really is! The best thing about the journal is that it lets me communicate with the other writers listed on my links page, and we can all discuss our writerly progress. It's GOT to be boring for you non-writers out there, who probably just scan the dull, repetitive writing stuff, checking for your name (hell, that's what I'd do!). And, as Jed and Mary Anne mentioned in their editorial, it's a great way to waste time! I'd write more, but I've got a newsletter to cancel. ;) Have a good Monday, all. Later. Read/Post Comments (18) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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