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2005-04-27 2:18 PM Good, low-stress morning (just a couple hours late)! I just wanted to make a quick entry here about the quite lovely morning we had at the Jasper House today. So many mornings have been rushed and tense and stressful in the past month, ever since Elizabeth went back to work, and I wanted to make note of the good days like today. A low-stress dad is a more effective, more fun dad for young Drew to be around.
I rolled out of bed around 5:15, thanks to the cat, who wanted to go outside. I wanted to skip going to the gym, but I steeled myself and went, and had a fine weight-lifting workout. Came home and Lizzie had already showered, and she was up with Drew, feeding him breakfast, so I kissed them both before walking the dog. So far so good -- not too rushed, not too stressed. Got back home, took a shower, and saw Lizzie off. Just Drew and me now, and I put him in his bouncey seat so he could watch me make my lunch for work and then make my breakfast and mix up his peaches and cereal. Then we went in the living room and ate, managing to keep the peaches more or less in the vicinity of Drew's mouth. I could tell Drew was feeling much, much better, just a tiny bit sniffly after his 10-day bout with a cold, because he was just grinning and cooing and watching everything with his blue eyes wide, soaking it all in. After we finished eating, I packed up all his stuff, loaded him in his car seat, and hit the road to his aunt's house. Within five minutes, Drew was asleep in his seat behind me, and I could catch glimpses of him in the mirror we'd installed on the top of the back seat. He was k-o'd. I dropped him off with his aunt, where he woke up and just grinned at his cousins Ellie and Parker. Then I left for work, and even got here before 9 a.m. for a change, filled with an immense sense of peace, knowing we're doing the best we can do for Drew right now. He's a happy fellow, and so are his mom and dad. Later! Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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