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Mood: Friday! Read/Post Comments (4) |
2006-03-10 6:12 AM Soundtrack, successful friends, some more words This morning I discovered the perfect soundtrack to all the scenes set in my novel's "other place" called the Undercity: "Global Underground 19: Las Angeles," featuring music compiled by DJ John Digweed (think that's really his last name?). No words, just a good techno beat and lots of funky ambient and electronic noises. It matches the weird mood I'm trying to set with the dream-like world of the Undercity. Although the music does have a tendency to sort of make you go into a trance... Maybe that's a good thing. Just hope I don't trance out and wake up an hour later with my head on the keyboard.
I hit 50k today, at last, and left my hero in his '93 Ford Escort at a stoplight, trying to decide which way to turn. Fun stuff. Let's get the wordage outta the way early, because I have more cool stuff to share:
I've been so busy with the new job and my own writing that I haven't been surfing other journals that much, but I found some great news by two of my writer friends that is worthy of sharing. First, and I'm a bit late on this one, Jenn Reese sold her first novel, Jade Tiger to a new line of novels called Juno at Prime Books. I remember reading this one a while back and just tearing through it, I loved it so much -- kung fu, romance, ancient artifacts, and great villains. Her book has wonderful cover art, and I can't wait 'til it comes out in October so I can buy it and read it again. And just last night I learned that writing buddy Jim C. Hines sold TWO books to DAW. He sold mass market paperback rights to Goblin Quest (a great book!) and its sequel, Goblin Hero, and the first one will be coming out this November (it already came out from Five Star in hardcover, so Jim's getting the best of all worlds here). Must not... get... jealous... of... friends... Actually, I'm happy as can be for Jenn and Jim, and I know these things always come in groups of three, so if you know of anyone else who's sold a novel in the past week or so, let me know! Or maybe it'll be... me! I've got a couple things out there, myself... Later! Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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