outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2006-09-18 9:44 PM too much i said i was going to quit staying around the house. it's gross, ya know, and no one ever wants to clean or paint or anything. (i've blogged about this before so i won't go there again. let's just say it's bad enough now that i'm thinking of reasons to NOT be here).
between me and the kids i have not one evening available this week. mission accomplished, eh?? my son is moving into his apartment on friday. he has a research study he's doing on tues and thurs along with daughter's choir practice same nights. i have an appt with a counselor tues evening, a work meet and greet on thurs, and friday i'm taking daughter and a friend to a back to school concert. woooooppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! it should be cute. it's a bunch of teeny bopper band kids that i think got their starts on nickelodeon or some such venue. it'll be fun just to watch my daughter at her first concert. she's 11. my first concert was KISS* and i was twelve. ok, only partially true. my first concert i was twelve, but a younger twelve. it was at a local high school gym and i saw the bay city rollers and kc and the sunshine band. kc kissed my hand when i met him and i didn't wash that hand for almost a week. he's kinda chunky and goofy looking now. yeah, you're right - he was goofy looking back then too. but i digress! sat we are taking my mom to a tearoom for lunch. she's never been and is so looking forward to it. it'll be right up her alley, all fancy and stuff. she'll probably be ashamed of us cuz we don't do all that fancy dress up stuff when we go there anymore. no one really does and i've tried to explain this to her to no avail. and sun we have a pool party to go to for my daughter's choir. who has a pool party in ky in late september??? i don't think we'll be swimming. i think it's a way to have the meetings and feed everyone while keeping us all out of their house. weds i am going to try and meet my friend for dinner. if not, you can bet i'll find something to do. so a busy week after doing nothing for the last week. today was the first day i've been out since last thurs when i went to the dr. i am so happy to be feeling better. i hadn't been sick in 4 or 5 years. i'd forgotten how much bronchitis hurts. *i went to the KISS concert with my "boyfriend" Huey and his older brother and his girlfriend. we had 2nd row center seats. close enough that i was scared gene was gonna spew all over me. it is a great memory to this day, course it doesn't hurt that i loved that song "beth" and peter criss and my name is "beth". they're cheesey, i know, i don't care. i still love 'em. sad aside: my friend Huey killed himself almost 3 years ago. drugs. he was a blacksmith and got hooked on pain killers and the story goes from there... we reconnected some years before when he was going thru a divorce and hung out together before i started dating my hubby. i was great friends with his little sister and so enjoyed hooking up with the whole family again. he was the proverbial one of a kind guy. if you needed it and he had it, it was yours. need a ride and/or your flat fixed? call Huey. he once helped me move and re-wired my dryer at the new house. he could shoe a horse and knit their blankets and sew buttons on your shirts, and he did sew buttons on my shirts. more than once. he could drink like a fish and order the most complicated foreign dishes in fine restaurants like he was born to it. sorry. i just miss him sometimes, or at the very least i miss the comforting fact that he's around. i hope and pray to see him again someday. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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