outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2006-09-24 12:11 PM catching up... i've gotten some of my motivation back. out of necessity i think. whatever the reason, i like it!!! there's so much going on - and thank the Lord it's good stuff. i think that's been the problem. it's hard to motivate when it's all drudgery , but when there are fun and good things to do it's so much easier. so i've decided i need more fun in my life!!!
ok, maybe i'll add more later. i think i have enough to do for now. my son got moved into his apartment. i'm still doing his laundry of course, but a small price to pay for a son who has entered the world of academia. i am soooo proud of him and i told him so. more than that, i'm just plain happy to see him so excited and happy for once. it feels so good to share in this with him. his father has no idea what he's missing. he's been absent for about 3 years. wants nothing to do with the boy. idiot. he's really missing out. i almost feel sorry for him. as much as the boy is a pain in the ass sometimes he's a sweet, smart, loving and funny kid too and has added so much to my life. i've learned from him and love him and i really like the person he's growing up to be. school starts tomorrow. woot!!! my daughter sang with her cathedral choir this morning. she looked so cute in her uniform - like a catholic school girl - and wore a purple robe over that. once she progresses a bit she'll add a white robe and ribbons and so forth. the girls in the choir are all under 18 and they sound like they could sing opera. it's unbelievable the sound that they make for such a small, young group of girls. they sounded like angels singing. and the acoustics in the cathedral are amazing. i'm kind of liking this whole episcopal service! we have a pool party to attend today and also an informational meeting about the trip to england next summer. the girls will be singing at evensong services at caterbury cathedral the end of july. katherine and i made deviled eggs and we're working on cookies too. we were all asked to bring an appetizer and dessert and that's what she picked. i don't think there will be any singing, but the fellowship will be fun. such a nice bunch of folks!! i will be going to a christian women's retreat thurs thru sun this coming week. and i am sooo ready. i've made my quota at work for the cycle already, so i can go with no worries about that. and the kids are squared away so that's all good. i can't wait. there should be about 25 of us altogether and they are the best group of women. ok, gotta make more cookies!!! Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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